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"Governmental Patent Policy " (President's Memorandum for Heads of Executive <br />Departments and Agencies, August 23, 1971, and Statement of Government Patent <br />Policy as printed in 36 FR 16889). <br />B. Copyright Policy. <br />1. Unless otherwise provided in the terms of the grant or <br />agreement, when copyright -able material is developed in the <br />course of or under a DOL Grant or agreement, the City and the <br />author that developed the work is free to copyright material or to <br />permit others to do so. The One -Stop Partner and the SAWIB <br />shall have a royalty -free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to <br />reproduce, publish, use and to authorize others to use all <br />copyrighted material. <br />2. The DOL reserves a royalty -free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable <br />license to reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize <br />others to use, for Federal Government purposes: (a) The <br />copyright in any work developed under any grant, sub- grant, or <br />contract under a grant or subgrant; (b) Any right of copyright to <br />which a grantee, subgrantee or a contractor purchases <br />ownership with grant support; and (c) Each One -Stop Partner <br />and the SAWIB shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR <br />Part 97.34. <br />C. Rights to Data. The DOL and the City shall have unlimited rights to any data <br />first procured or delivered under this Agreement. <br />XNIII. BRANDING: The parties acknowledge that the official name for the statewide <br />system of providing employment and training through the WIA partnerships and various <br />other local programs is "America's Job Center". To achieve the goals of this grant, it is <br />important that the public has a quick and easy method to identify that the projects or <br />programs they are taking part in are part of the "America's Job Center". The parties agree <br />to place the America's Job Center logo, in accordance with the State of California <br />guidelines for such use, on all public materials such as statements, press releases, <br />brochures, advertisements, reports and other documents describing projects or programs <br />funded in whole or in part with WIA funds. When the America's Job Center logo is used, <br />the parties may accompany it with the following statement, "The (Program Name) is a <br />proud partner of the America's Job Center network ". The parties shall not use the <br />America's Job Center logo in any manner that would imply that the State of California <br />endorses a commercial product, service or activity. <br />XIX. CLEAN AIR/CLEAN WATER: If the grant hereunder exceeds $100,000, Section <br />306 of the Clean Air Act [(42 USC 1875(h)]; Section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC <br />1368); Executive Order 11738 and Environmental Protection Agency ( "EPA ") regulations <br />(40 CFR Part 15) as any may now exist or be hereafter amended, must be adhered to. <br />Under these laws and regulations, assurances will be made to the following effect: <br />0 <br />