Laserfiche WebLink
G.2 We expect applicants to make federally funded work products widely available and usable through <br />strategies such as publishing in openly accessible journals, depositing works in openly accessible repositories, <br />and using non - restrictive licenses such as the "CC Zero — No Rights Reserved" that dedicate digital content to <br />the public domain. What ownership rights will your organization assert over the new digital content, and what <br />conditions will you impose on access and use? Explain any terms of access and conditions of use, why they are <br />justifiable, and how you will notify potential users of the digital resources. <br />Content that is contributed to the Memories of Migration program will be licensed with open licenses, either CC <br />BY -SA, CC BY, or CCO depending on user selection. <br />G.3 Provide URL(s) for any examples of previous digital collections or content your organization has created. <br /> <br />http: / /www. h i storypi n. com /channels /view /10504#! ma p /index / #! /geo :33.739341,- 117.871681/zoom:14/ <br />Part 11. Projects Creating Software Tools and Electronic Systems <br />A. General Information <br />A.1 Describe the software tool or electronic system you intend to create, including a summary of the major <br />functions it will perform and the intended primary audience(s) the system or tool will serve. <br />8 IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />20B -101 <br />