Laserfiche WebLink
10. Identify where you will be depositing research dataset(s) and metadata into: <br />a) an institutional repository: <br />Name URL: <br />b) a subject specific research community digital repository: <br />Name I URL: <br />c) or some other publicly accessible repository: <br />Name I URL: <br />Does this repository enforce any access restrictions? OYes (If yes, describe.) or o No <br />If so, how will they be mitigated to allow the public free access to these data? Detail the experience this <br />repository has in managing research datasets and metadata with similar attributes? What preservation and <br />backup procedures does this repository use? <br />11. When and how frequently will you review this data management plan? How will the implementation be <br />monitored? <br />3,4 IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />20B -107 <br />