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EXIBIT D <br />libraries throughout the state ($4,542). Mr. Douglas Patinka, DCA Web Manager, <br />will provide technical support for the interactive map component of the project and <br />integrate Memories of Migration with DCA's New Mexico Cultural Atlas Initiative <br />($3,945). <br />DCA is the repository of extensive collections related to New Mexico's long history <br />of migration and immigration. In addition, the Bosque Redondo Historic Site <br />commemorates a tragic event in history of the American West when, in 1864, the <br />U.S. Army began to forcibly remove Navajo and Mescalero Apache people from their <br />traditional homelands and march them hundreds of miles to the lonely outpost of <br />Fort Sumner. The Navajo call this journey the Long Walk <br />( http _ / /www.nmmonu_men(s,org /bosque redondo). <br />Many programs and exhibits under the DCA umbrella during the grant period are <br />likely to be involved with Memories of Migration. The Museum of International Folk <br />Art's Gallery of Conscience will be presenting Imagining Nome, an exhibition project <br />focused on migration and immigration (February 2014 - January 2016), and the <br />New Mexico History Museum is scheduled to open a major exhibition, Expressions of <br />Complex Identities: Sephardic Jews, Conversos, and CryptoJews,1391 -2025, in May <br />2015. Both museums, as well as the National Hispanic Cultural Center, will be <br />participating in the National Dialogues on immigration <br />(http: /Jwwwdlaloguesoni rnmigrptio m-m, pdels). <br />Memories of Migration complements and ties together a number of other <br />contemporaneous statewide programs such as the Big Read in 2014 -2015 <br />sponsored by the New Mexico Humanities Council. If funded, the program will <br />feature the novel by Luis Alberto Urrea, Into the Beautiful North, a story about <br />people and places along the U.S. - Mexico border that invites readers to think of the <br />border not only as a place of conflict, but also as place of meaningful dialogue and <br />love between cultures. <br />All funding and cost share of DCA staff for Memories of Migration will be <br />administered through New Mexico Highland University and are included in their <br />budget. DCA will comply with the terms of the grant and all applicable federal laws, <br />regulations, and requirements. <br />We look forward to jreing part of the team working on the Memories of Migration <br />program. rf,'r <br />Secretary <br />20B -114 <br />