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EXHIBIT A <br />6. Services: <br />6a.) Services -We are What We Do (WAWWD) (Please refer to Supportingdoc #1 for Scope of <br />Work and deliverables from WAWWS) : $ 120,671 Grant Funds requested/ $109,070 In -Kind Cost <br />Share <br />We Are What We Do (WAWWD) is a non - profit organization started in the east of London in 2003, <br />and consists of a UK registered Community Interest Company (05241856), a Charitable Foundation <br />(1134546), and a California not - for - profit corporation with IRS 501(c)3 tax exemption status. <br />Historypin is a project of WAWWD and was originally created as a tool to facilitate strengthening of <br />communities through local history, and particularly intergenerational and cross - cultural dialogue. <br />Staff from We Are What We Do will be supporting Memories of Migration from the standpoint of: <br />• community engagement <br />• project management <br />• digital development <br />• user interface and graphic design <br />• evaluation methodology and reporting <br />During the first year of the Memories of Migration program, We Are What We Do will contribute <br />substantial cost sharing from design, web development, and technical architecture. This support <br />comes from other funded projects that are supporting these staff roles which will feed in heavily to <br />the design and evaluation methodologies of Memories of Migration. The funded projects that will <br />be running at the same time include: <br />• Europeana Creative, a three -year European Commission funded project going through <br />2015 which Historypin is exploring metadata ingestion tools as well as user interface design <br />around multiple languages and others. <br />• Sourdough & Rye, a two -year community engagement project focusing on the Jewish <br />community in San Francisco which will overlap for several months with Memories of <br />Migration and will lend expertise into developing community - specific content - gathering <br />sessions. <br />• Europeana V3, a one -year European Commission funded project starting in the fall of 2014 <br />which provides funding to pilot an experimental metadata synchronization tool from <br />Historypin back out to partner organizations. <br />• Europeana Sounds, a two -year European Commission funded project that just started, in <br />which Historypin will further explore new user interface and interaction with different <br />kinds of community content and the exchange of metadata with partner institutions <br />• Ambrosia, a three -year European Commission funded project in which Historypin plays a <br />major role in exploring deep engagement of communities in location- specific cultural <br />heritage, specifically the rich culture of food and drink throughout Europe and how people <br />relate to history through it. <br />Staff costs have been calculated with benefits at a set percentage depending on where the team <br />member is based. Team members based in the US (Senior Project Manager and Project Officer) <br />have benefits calculated at 25 %, and all European -based staff are calculated at 11 %. <br />20B -71 <br />-- <br />IOTA <br />I <br />$64,38 <br />1 4 <br />6. Services: <br />6a.) Services -We are What We Do (WAWWD) (Please refer to Supportingdoc #1 for Scope of <br />Work and deliverables from WAWWS) : $ 120,671 Grant Funds requested/ $109,070 In -Kind Cost <br />Share <br />We Are What We Do (WAWWD) is a non - profit organization started in the east of London in 2003, <br />and consists of a UK registered Community Interest Company (05241856), a Charitable Foundation <br />(1134546), and a California not - for - profit corporation with IRS 501(c)3 tax exemption status. <br />Historypin is a project of WAWWD and was originally created as a tool to facilitate strengthening of <br />communities through local history, and particularly intergenerational and cross - cultural dialogue. <br />Staff from We Are What We Do will be supporting Memories of Migration from the standpoint of: <br />• community engagement <br />• project management <br />• digital development <br />• user interface and graphic design <br />• evaluation methodology and reporting <br />During the first year of the Memories of Migration program, We Are What We Do will contribute <br />substantial cost sharing from design, web development, and technical architecture. This support <br />comes from other funded projects that are supporting these staff roles which will feed in heavily to <br />the design and evaluation methodologies of Memories of Migration. The funded projects that will <br />be running at the same time include: <br />• Europeana Creative, a three -year European Commission funded project going through <br />2015 which Historypin is exploring metadata ingestion tools as well as user interface design <br />around multiple languages and others. <br />• Sourdough & Rye, a two -year community engagement project focusing on the Jewish <br />community in San Francisco which will overlap for several months with Memories of <br />Migration and will lend expertise into developing community - specific content - gathering <br />sessions. <br />• Europeana V3, a one -year European Commission funded project starting in the fall of 2014 <br />which provides funding to pilot an experimental metadata synchronization tool from <br />Historypin back out to partner organizations. <br />• Europeana Sounds, a two -year European Commission funded project that just started, in <br />which Historypin will further explore new user interface and interaction with different <br />kinds of community content and the exchange of metadata with partner institutions <br />• Ambrosia, a three -year European Commission funded project in which Historypin plays a <br />major role in exploring deep engagement of communities in location- specific cultural <br />heritage, specifically the rich culture of food and drink throughout Europe and how people <br />relate to history through it. <br />Staff costs have been calculated with benefits at a set percentage depending on where the team <br />member is based. Team members based in the US (Senior Project Manager and Project Officer) <br />have benefits calculated at 25 %, and all European -based staff are calculated at 11 %. <br />20B -71 <br />