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DIGITAL CONTENT SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORM <br />Instructions: This form is required as part of grant applications to the Institute of Museum and Library Services <br />that include activities that create certain types of digital content, such as online collections or databases, <br />metadata, new software tools or electronic systems, or digital research datasets. Your responses to the <br />questions on this form are used by IMLS staff and by expert peer reviewers to better understand technical <br />aspects of your proposed work. Please consult the relevant program guidelines for further instructions on when <br />this form should be included as part of your application. <br />If you need more space for your response, you may append additional pages as part of the single PDF that you <br />upload with your grant proposal through <br />Please indicate which of the following digital products you will create or collect during your project. <br />(Check all that apply): <br />If your project will create or collect ... <br />Then you should complete ... <br />Born - digital, existing digital, or to -be- digitized content <br />Part I <br />_ <br />New software tools or electronic systems such as databases <br />Part 11 <br />A digital research dataset <br />Part III <br />PART I. Projects Creating Digital Content <br />A. Selection Methodology <br />A.t Describe how you will select non - digital materials for digitization. <br />As a community memory project, Memories of Migration is focused on "User Generated Content" (UGC), in addition to <br />select collection holding at partner institutions. The content that is selected for the project will be related to <br />participants stories of human migration. The project will prioritize the collection of audio and visual material from <br />immigrant communities in Santa Ana CA, Queens NY, West Hartford CT, and the rural parts of the State of New <br />Mexico. Materials needing to be scanned will use a Project GADO scanning robot to assist with the digitization of photo <br />collections. Individual decisions for selecting materials will be made at the discretion of the site supervisor. <br />A.2 Describe how you will select born - digital or existing digital content for your project collection. <br />larly, only content related to human migration in some way will be contributed. The four library sites will work <br />community partners to identify material in local collections that cover the topic of migration in the United States. <br />tional born digital materials will be created by partner sites during their programs including photographs and <br />o recordings collected by participants. <br />3. IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />I+1- •- <br />