Laserfiche WebLink
F. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights <br />F.1 Explain the current copyright or intellectual property status of the content you intend to digitize, create, or <br />repurpose. Describe the quantity or percentage of materials that are in the public domain and /or have <br />restrictions that will require you to obtain permissions. If you have already obtained permission to use and <br />provide public access to materials under copyright or other restrictions, provide the quantity of such materials, <br />and the documentation you possess granting such permissions. <br />Content that is contributed to the Memories of Migration program will be licensed with open licenses, either CC <br />BY -SA, CC BY, or CCO depending on user selection. We estimate that 85% of content will fall into this category. <br />Previously digitized content can be contributed to the project from partner institutions which may be repurposed for <br />this project can be added with more restrictive licenses depending on how other institutions have made them <br />available. We estimate these items at 5 -10 %. Finally, previously digitized photos in the public domain may also be <br />contributed, and we estimate the number of items at 5 -10% <br />F.2 If you will need to obtain permissions during your project, describe the process you will use to request and <br />obtain them. <br />When individuals upload content to the Memories of Migration project site on Historypin, they'll be required to <br />choose a license, but will only have the option of CC BY -5A, CC BY, CCO and Public Domain with a short description. If <br />photos are being scanned at a pinning event, they will sign a waiver that assigns the appropriate license of their <br />choosing, but nothing more restrictive than CC BY -SA. Their assets will remain their property unless they are deeded <br />to the participating library or organization, in which case they will follow the protocol of the particular library with <br />forms such as a deed of gift. <br />F.3 Are there any materials you will be digitizing, creating, or repurposing that may raise privacy concerns? If so, <br />what is your plan for addressing them? <br />will be very clear that all content contributed to this project is for public use. We have posted an industry <br />idard take -down policy for any content that violates privacy or copyright. <br />6 1 IMLS Digital Content Supplementary Information Form <br />rI- T <br />