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URS will provide the City with review comment disposition forms, redlines, redline back - checks, and <br />QMS forms upon request. <br />1.4 Stakeholder Liaison — URS will obtain the services of a Stakeholder Liaison to be selected by the City <br />of Santa to provide project review and project recommendations during the course of project <br />development and implementation. <br />Dedverables: <br />• Project Meeting Agendas, supporting meeting information, and appropriate presentation materials <br />including easement exhibits describing the required properties for the implementation of the project. <br />All initial deliverables shall be forwarded to the City for review and approval prior to distribution to <br />the meeting invitees. Upon approval, the City of Santa Ana will prepare all required legal descriptions <br />and plats required to describe and negotiate the procurement of required easements. <br />• At the request of the City, URS will provide the City with review check information based on our <br />internal "Detailed Reviews" including redline review, issue resolution documentation, and external <br />review documentation. <br />Task 2 -- Final Basis of Design <br />URS has identified and presented a number of alternatives as part of our previous efforts in the <br />development of this project. In addition to those presented in previous documents and as discussed in <br />the Proposed Project Description Section, URS will further refine Design Iteration No. 3 that will include <br />the development of an in- channel trash screening structure. URS has also anticipating up to two <br />additional design refinements dependent on comments from the County of Orange and other <br />stakeholders. It is further anticipated that a direct in- channel solution will need to be refined to satisfy <br />County Flood Control regarding flow conveyance restrictions that may incorporate a rubber dam <br />solution and off channel trash screening system. All design refinements will be used to identify the <br />preferred alternative and ultimately form the basis for the final design. URS will prepare a Basis of Design <br />Memorandum (BOD) with a decision matrix that outlines the pros, cons and estimated construction <br />costs for each refined alternative for the City's and Stakeholders review and final alternative selection. <br />The specific tasks and items to be included and addressed in the BOD are as follows: <br />2.1 Existing Data Collection, Utility Research & Review — URS will perform an existing utility search for <br />underground utilities witivn the project area, specifically along the proposed force main pipeline. The <br />utility search will be completed using Underground Services Alert (USA) and as -built searches <br />through the Cities of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach; Caltrans and the County of Orange. All <br />affected utilities including water, sewer, gas, electric and telephone will be field marked and reviewed <br />by the design team. Utility notifications will be prepared and sent to utility providers within the <br />project area to obtain as- builts, atlas mapping and existing easement documentation. <br />2.2 Coordination with Caltrans District 12 — URS will obtain as -built plans for the Irvine <br />Avenue /Campus Drive existing bridge over the SR -73 for the development of the proposed 8" force <br />main crossing. Coordination efforts with Caltrans will include the development of the proposed <br />crossing plans, and obtain required permits to allow for construction. <br />2.3 Permits and Easements — URS will identify and prepare a review of all permits and easements that <br />will be necessary for construction. Permits from the following agencies are anticipated: <br />• Orange County Flood Control District — Encroachment Permit; <br />• City of Newport Beach /City of Costa Mesa — Encroachment Permit; <br />• California Department of Fish and Game —1602 Agreement; <br />• USACE — 404 Nationwide Perm t; <br />25P245 <br />