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EXHIBIT "B" <br />PROJECT SUMMARY <br />St, Joseph Health has a long history of service to the people of Santa Ana. Through a needs <br />assessment, it was identified that although there are hundreds of fitness facilities in Orange <br />County, not a single facility is in this particular neighborhood. St. Joseph Health's appreciation <br />of the impact these types of resources have in creating a health community has inspired it to <br />bring wellness, fitness and clinic services to the workers and residents of the area. In fact, St. <br />Joseph Health has been actively looking for an appropriate location for the last two years. <br />Taller San Jose has a strong desire to strengthen its presence and expand the services that it <br />currently provides. The need for Taller San Jose in Orange County continues to grow; according <br />to the 2010 U.S. Census, there are more than 55,000 impoverished youth between the ages of 18 <br />and 28 living in Central Orange County. High unemployment among Taller San Jose's target <br />population, along with high rates of criminal recidivism and an incarceration system stretched <br />beyond its capacity will continue to exacerbate this situation for the foreseeable future. <br />California has the highest recidivism rate in the nation, with 70% of past offenders returning to <br />jail or prison within 24 months of their release. Taller San Jose has a unique opportunity to <br />impact the ability of this young adult population to achieve and maintain self - sufficiency by <br />expanding its ability to provide services to this vulnerable population. <br />Taller San Jose's highly focused, goal oriented program helps students develop into self - reliant <br />adults through three key job - training academies —office careers, medical careers and <br />construction —as well as support services such as rnentoring, legal assistance, substance abuse <br />recovery support and job placement. <br />Last year, Taller San Jose placed 175 previously unemployed young people into employment at <br />an average salary of $11.13 per hour. On average, 72% of Taller San Jose graduates placed into <br />employment remain employed one year later. Furthermore, 92% of graduates with a criminal <br />background do not reofiend. <br />The YMCA building represents a real opportunity for SJH and Taller San Jose to positively <br />impact the community of Santa Ana in a new and significant way. <br />Our intent is to create a multi- purpose place of gathering for health, wellness and learning in the <br />YMCA building, with the following approximate breakdown of space allocation: <br />Medical Fitness – 17,000 square feet (45 %). This space will offer fitness facilities to the public <br />(through paid or scholarship subscriptions) for general fitness or recreation, with additional <br />specialized programs for those with chronic health conditions <br />Taller San Jose — 19,000 square feet (50 %). This area will provide vocational training to local youth <br />Clinic — 2,000 square feet (5 %). This space will provide primary care and worksite wellness to the <br />community workers and residents <br />The team believes these services are complementary to the location. The YMCA building is <br />located on a major thoroughfare in a Civic area of Santa Ana, and is prominent in the way that it <br />stands majestically across from the old Court House. It seems fitting to house services that are <br />accessible by the public so that the building can be enjoyed by a wide cross section of the <br />