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73 Project hnplementation Schedule and Scope of Develooment. Not later than <br />ninety (90) days after the Effective Date, DEVELOPER shall use its best efforts to submit to the <br />CITY a Project implementation schedule for the Project which shall include without limitation, a <br />concept plan and detailed scope of development identifying all major activities and required <br />entitlements such as preliminary construction drawings, final construction drawing and projected <br />commencement and completion of construction dates. <br />7.4 Financial Plan. Not later than ninety (90) days after the Effective Date, <br />DEVELOPER use its best efforts to submit to the CITY a financial plan which shall include the <br />following: (a) a detailed proforma illustrating the estimated cost of the Project , and (b) an <br />outline of DEVELOPER's proposed methods to finance and complete the Project, including the <br />proposed sources of fimding for the Project and the terms and conditions of such funding. <br />7.5 Entitlements. Not later ninety (90) days after the Effective Date, <br />DEVELOPER shall use its best efforts to apply to the CITY for any necessary entitlement <br />renewals or modifications required for the construction of the Project on the Property. <br />7.6 Environmental Review. Not later ninety (90) days after the Effective Date, <br />DEVELOPER shall use its best efforts to identify all environmental reviews and permits <br />required for the construction of the Project on the Property. <br />7.7 Development Agreement. DEVELOPER will review and comment on drafts <br />of a proposed Development Agreement prepared by the CITY's legal counsel and will meet and <br />negotiate diligently and in good faith with the CITY regarding the Development Agreement. <br />8. CITY Tasks During Negotiation Period. During the Negotiation Period, the CITY <br />shall undertake the following tasks subject to reimbursement as provided in Section 6.3: <br />8.1 Review of Developer's Documents and Submittals. The CITY staff will <br />diligently review all plans and documents submitted by DEVELOPER and promptly provide <br />DEVELOPER with a written response outlining relevant comments, but in no event less than <br />thirty (30) days after submitted by DEVELOPER. <br />8.2 Acquisition/Assignmeat of Parking for Property. CITY staff will diligently <br />pursue, the acquisition or assignment of sufficient parking spaces to serve the Property for <br />DEVELOPER's intended use and to meet all applicable governmental requirements, subject to <br />the Development Agreement, as described below. <br />83 Development Agreement. The CITY will cause the CITY's legal counsel to <br />prepare a Development Agreement and will meet and negotiate diligently and in good faith with <br />DEVELOPER regarding the Development Agreement, <br />8.4 Copies of Documents. Within five (5) days of the Effective Date, the CITY <br />shall provide to DEVELOPER copies of all studies, reports, inspections, surveys, and other <br />materials relating to the Property that is in the CITY'S control or possession, for <br />DEVELOPER'S review and use in connection with its investigation of the Property and the <br />Project. <br />7- <br />88677228.1 <br />