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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />collapse or misalignment of at -grade rails, which may cause streetcar derailment. However, <br />City Staff and regulatory agencies are required to review the design plans and approve the <br />appropriate foundation treatment prior to the issuance of building permits to ensure the <br />structure integrity of project facilities. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to <br />seismic ground shaking and liquefaction would occur. <br />• The topography of the Study Area is relatively flat with no significant slopes and is not <br />mapped as being in an Earthquake- Induced Landslide Zone. There is no potential for <br />landslides or seismically- induced landslides. Therefore, no impact related to landslides <br />would occur. <br />• The entire length of the alignment and the O & M Facility would be completely paved. The <br />Study Area is in a flat, highly urbanized area, and there is little potential for soil erosion. <br />Therefore, no impact related to soil erosion would occur. <br />• Expansive soils are typically associated with fine - grained clayey soils that have the potential <br />to shrink and swell with repeated changes in the moisture content. It is not anticipated that <br />expansive soils are located near the surface in the Study Area. Therefore, no impact related <br />to expansive soil would occur. <br />• The Study Area is in a flat, highly urbanized area without a unique geologic feature. <br />Therefore, no impact related to unique geologic features would occur. <br />• The Study Area is located in an urbanized area extensively served by existing sewer <br />infrastructure. Implementation of the proposed project would not require the use of septic <br />tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems. Therefore, no impact related to septic <br />tanks would occur. <br />G. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (page 3 -148 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the proposed project would be <br />approximately 1,224 metric tons per year and would not exceed the significance threshold of <br />10,000 metric tons per year. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to GHG <br />emissions would occur. <br />• The proposed project would be designed to reduce vehicle miles traveled - related emissions <br />by encouraging the use of public transit by providing accessibility to activity centers that <br />provide employment and educational opportunities, goods and services. Therefore, a less - <br />than- significant impact related to GHG plans, policies, and regulations would occur. <br />H. Hazards and Hazardous Materials (pages 3 -103 and 3 -193 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• There is a potential for hazardous materials /waste spills to occur at the O & M Facility, which <br />is of importance as this site is located 0.20 mile from John C. Fremont Elementary School at <br />1930 10th Street and Romero -Cruz Elementary School at 1512 Santa Ana Boulevard. The <br />O & M Facility would store hazardous materials /waste primarily for cleaning and routine <br />maintenance of the streetcars and tracks and would likely house cleaning chemicals, <br />lubrication oils, and hydraulic oils. However, the storage and disposal of hazardous <br />materials /waste would be conducted in accordance with all federal and State regulatory <br />11 January 2015 <br />75A -21 <br />