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Santa Ana — Gardon Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />L. Noise (pages 3 -152 and 3 -207 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• Regarding operational vibration, the maximum vibration level generated by the proposed <br />project would be 70 VdB at a streetcar speed of 40 miles per hour and would not exceed <br />Federal Transit Administration (FTA) vibration impact criteria of 72 VdB for residential land <br />uses. For institutional land uses, the maximum vibration level would be 74 VdB at a <br />streetcar speed of 35 miles per hour and would not exceed FTA vibration impact criteria of <br />75 VdB. Operational activity would not expose people to excessive vibration levels. <br />Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to vibration would occur. <br />• The proposed project would generate construction - related noise and vibration. Alignment <br />and bridge construction activities would employ pieces of equipment (i.e., mounted impact <br />hammer, foundation driller, pneumatic tools, concrete pump truck, and pavement miller or <br />scarifier) that would exhibit high noise and vibration levels. A Noise and Vibration Control <br />Plan will be developed and implemented prior to construction that will include BMPs to <br />minimize exposure to high levels of noise and vibration and ensure compliance with City and <br />FTA standards. With implementation of the Noise and Vibration Control Plan described in <br />Section of the EA /DEIR, the proposed project would not conflict with applicable <br />noise standards and would not generate excessive vibration. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to construction noise and vibration would occur. <br />• The closest public airport within the Study Area is John Wayne Airport, located <br />approximately four miles to the southeast, and is not within the impacted airport noise level <br />contours. Therefore, no impact related to airport noise would occur. <br />M. Population and Housing (page 3 -28 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The proposed project would require housing acquisition resulting in displacement of <br />approximately 28 persons. In addition, acquisition would affect fewer than a dozen <br />businesses, which would displace no more than 50 jobs. Due to the small amount of <br />housing and business displacement (less than one percent of the Study Area population), <br />the number of persons displaced would be minimal compared to the existing population. <br />Therefore, a less- than - significant impact related to population would occur. <br />• Given the length of the four -mile alignment and the City of Santa Ana's population of over <br />58,000 within the Study Area, the displacement of 28 people (less than 0.05 percent) would <br />not be considered substantial. Acquisitions requiring the displacement of existing residential <br />uses would comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition <br />Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act). The proposed project would provide relocation <br />assistance and compensation to displaced residences per the Uniform Act. Compensation <br />would not be less than the approved appraisal of the property. Therefore, the proposed <br />project would not result in the displacement of substantial housing, and a less -than- <br />significant impact related to housing would occur. <br />N. Public Services (page 3 -62 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The proposed project would not introduce a new population to create additional demand for <br />police and fire services. The proposed project is not anticipated to create additional demand <br />14 January 2015 <br />75A -24 <br />