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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />• The proposed project would affect access to driveways of four businesses, which would not <br />interfere with driveway capacity or impact business operations. Therefore, a less -than- <br />significant impact related to driveway access would occur. <br />• The Harbor Boulevard /1st Street intersection, which operates at LOS C in the AM and PM <br />peak hour, is the one Congestion Management Program (CMP) intersection within the Study <br />Area. The proposed project would not change the LOS at this intersection. Therefore, a <br />less- than - significant impact related to the CMP would occur. <br />• The proposed project would involve improvements to the surface transportation network. <br />The proposed alignment would not connect to an airport or cause an increase in air traffic. <br />Therefore, no impact related to air traffic patterns would occur. <br />• The proposed project would maintain existing or equivalent emergency access routes and <br />response times throughout the Study Area by retaining the existing street network and <br />connections. The proposed alignment does not pass in front of a fire station, and station <br />locations would not prohibit access to structures. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact <br />related to emergency access would occur. <br />• As a fixed guideway system, the proposed project would facilitate and encourage alternative <br />forms of transportation, including increased use of the local bus system and other transit lines <br />(e.g., Metrolink and Greyhound). Accordingly, the proposed project would promote rather than <br />conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation and <br />would have no impact on alternative transportation modes. <br />Q. Utilities and Service Systems (page 3 -229 of the EA/DEIR) <br />• The proposed project would not generate wastewater from activity along the alignment or at <br />stations. Wastewater would be generated by the O & M Facility but would not put added <br />strain on existing wastewater treatment capacity. Therefore, a less- than - significant impact <br />related to wastewater treatment and facilities would occur. <br />• The existing drainage pattern of the proposed alignment would not be substantially altered <br />or impacted by the proposed project. Streetcar tracks would be constructed mostly at -grade <br />with the existing street ROW and the PE ROW. The streetcar tracks do not have gutters like <br />a traditional road, but water that falls onto impervious surfaces associated with the track <br />system would be collected and conveyed into the storm drain system by inlets similar to <br />roadway inlets. Stormwater from non - street portions of the alignment may be directed to <br />vegetated swales for treatment before conveyance to the City storm drain. Therefore, a <br />less- than - significant impact related to stormwater drainage facilities would occur. <br />• The proposed project is a transportation facility and would not deplete water supplies. The <br />O & M Facility would use water for maintenance activities (e.g., vehicle washing) and worker <br />hygiene. Implementation of BMPs would ensure that water use would be minimal. <br />Therefore, a less- than - significant impact to water supply would occur. <br />• The proposed project would not generate solid waste from activity along the alignment <br />although standard waste receptacles would be placed at stations. It is not anticipated that <br />streetcar riders would generate new solid waste that would exceed existing planning <br />17 January 2015 <br />75A -27 <br />