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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />Clinton Street. The walking path would not be visible from public streets and from the rear <br />yards of adjacent homes due to the height of a proposed masonry ROW wall. The walking path <br />is proposed to be lighted. It is also proposed that there would be pedestrian crossings of the <br />tracks immediately south of the station platform and approximately 350 feet north of the station <br />platform. However, the proposed project design creates several safety concerns, including the <br />following: <br />• Transit patrons would have to walk a long distance along a walking path that is not visible to <br />the general public; <br />• The proposed lighting level along the walking path may create shadowed or dimly lit areas; <br />• Gates would be accessed by a pass key, which may trap transit patrons without a pass key <br />or without immediate access to a pass key within the ROW; <br />• If no pass keys are needed at access gates, then it may be possible for non - residents to <br />access the neighborhoods adjacent to the rear of the homes on isolated streets and <br />walkways; <br />• Pedestrian crossings of the tracks, located north of the station platforms, may raise safety <br />consideration for train operations; and <br />• Allowing pedestrian access into the OCTA ROW without fencing of the area directly to the <br />tracks would potentially result in pedestrians crossing the tracks within the ROW. <br />Mitigation Measure SAF1 would eliminate adverse effects related to safety for pedestrian during <br />pick -up /drop -off times at schools within along the alignment. Mitigation Measures SAF2 through <br />SAFE would eliminate adverse effects related safety for pedestrian accessing the walking path. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measures SAF1 through SAF6 would reduce impacts related to <br />traffic hazards and safety to less than significant. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />SAF1 The City of Santa Ana shall coordinate with the Santa Ana Unified School District and <br />Santa Ana Police Department regarding safety at schools adjacent to the alignment. <br />The collaborative effort between the City and interested parties shall develop and teach <br />rail safety measures to students and parents. Other precautionary safety features shall <br />include signs, gated crossing, and crossing and traffic signals to create a safe <br />environment for parents and students during pick -up /drop -off times. <br />SAF2 The contractor shall install surveillance cameras along the pedestrian walking paths <br />within the PE ROW and at pedestrian gates to adjacent neighborhoods. Police security <br />personnel shall be responsible for surveillance camera monitoring. <br />SAF3 The contractor shall install emergency call boxes along the pedestrian walking paths <br />within the PE ROW. <br />SAF4 The contractor shall design the lighting plan for the pedestrian walking paths within the <br />PE ROW to eliminate shadows or dimly lit areas to the greatest extent feasible. <br />22 January 2015 <br />75A -32 <br />