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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />N. Public Services <br />Potentially significant impacts of the related projects associated with increased demand for <br />public services would be assessed on a case -by -case basis. Potential impacts to public <br />services from the related projects would be mitigated to a level of less than significant through <br />the local land use approval process. The proposed project would not create new trips but could <br />change mode of access, which could redistribute existing travel and change routes related to <br />public services. The City of Sane Ana is within an urban environment with an expansive street <br />network and varied inventory of public services. The redistribution in travel would not burden <br />public services or result in substantial decreases in emergency response times. The police and <br />fire stations are widely distributed throughout the Study Area and a comprehensive street <br />network provides numerous alternate routes in the event of a crossing delay. Therefore, <br />emergency response times would not be impacted. The combined effect of the proposed <br />project with the No Build Alternative would not result in a cumulative impact. Therefore, public <br />services impacts would not be cumulatively considerable. <br />O. Transportation and Traffic <br />The related projects are mainly land use development projects or are future funded and <br />committed transportation projects that are encompassed in the 2035 traffic analysis that was <br />performed for the proposed project. The results of the analysis captures the known cumulative <br />impacts associated with the proposed project. The proposed project would not result in <br />significant traffic effects and the combined effect of the proposed project with the No Build <br />Alternative would not result in a cumulative impacts. Therefore, transportation and traffic <br />impacts would not be cumulatively considerable. <br />P. Utilities and Service Systems <br />Potentially significant impacts of the related projects associated with utilities and service <br />systems would be assessed on a case -by -case basis through permitting and will -serve letters, <br />particularly for development projects. Operation of the proposed project would require the use <br />of various utilities, including electricity, natural gas, and communication systems. Electricity <br />would be used to run the streetcar system. New TPSSs would distribute power along the <br />alignment. The proposed project is included in regional and local land use and transportation <br />planning documents, and utility companies have the capacity to meet the future demand for <br />utility services. The quantities required would not be substantial and major modifications or new <br />utility facilities would not need to be constructed to serve increased demand. Therefore, utilities <br />and service systems impacts would not be cumulatively considerable. <br />Growth - inducing Effects <br />While the proposed project would provide improved mobility and access to the Study Area in <br />accordance with adopted transportation and land use plans, these improvements would not <br />result in substantial population growth. The Study Area experienced a population decline <br />between 2000 and 2010, while vacancy rates increased. The proposed project would provide <br />construction jobs in the Study Area, which could result in a population increase in Santa Ana, <br />Garden Grove, or Orange County. However, population growth would be minor and would not <br />28 January 2015 <br />75A -38 <br />