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Santa Ana — Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project <br />Findings and Facts in Support of Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />the Study Area, and to improve the Study Area's regional transit connectivity by providing direct <br />connections to existing and planned transit services (Metrolink and OCTA fixed route and Bus <br />Rapid Transit [BRT] services) at SARTC and at the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and <br />Westminster Avenue in the City of Garden Grove. <br />A reasonable range of alternatives has been evaluated as part of the environmental process, <br />beginning with a robust alternatives analysis and using a screening process to provide a limited <br />range of alternatives in the EA/DEIR. Several other alternatives, including BRT routes along <br />Santa Ana Boulevard and Civic Center Drive, were considered in the initial alternatives analysis <br />but were ultimately screened out because they did not fully satisfy the purpose and need or <br />project goals and objectives and were less cost effective in terms of both capital and operations <br />and maintenance costs per rider. These other alternatives are described in the Santa Ana and <br />Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Corridor Alternative Analysis Report. The alternatives <br />addressed in the EA/DEIR consisted of a No Build Alternative, Transportation System <br />Management (TSM) Alternative, Streetcar Alternatives 1 and 2, and Initial Operating Segment <br />(IOS) -1 and IOS -2. Streetcar Alternative 1 included the PE ROW through the western half of its <br />alignment and Santa Ana Boulevard and 4th Street on the way to SARTC. Streetcar Alternative <br />2 also included the PE ROW through the western half of its alignment and generally Santa Ana <br />Boulevard, Civic Center Drive, and 5th Street along the eastern half of the alignment to SARTC. <br />The No Build Alternative was provided as a basis for comparing the build alternatives, each of <br />which was specifically designed to respond to the purpose and need for the project, study goals, <br />and community input. <br />No Build Alternative <br />This No Build alternative is required by Section 15126.6 of the CEQA Guidelines and provides <br />the basis for comparing future conditions resulting from other alternatives. Conditions in the <br />foreseeable future (through planning horizon year 2035) include projects that (1) have <br />environmental analysis approved by an implementing agency and (2) have a funding source <br />identified for implementation. <br />Other projects in the foreseeable future include: <br />• Implementation of the Transit Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 84B), both project -level and <br />program -level components, that are anticipated for build -out by 2028; <br />• Implementation of the Station District Development Projects, which consist of a variety of <br />residential development projects, community open space and some limited neighborhood - <br />serving commercial development' <br />• Transit improvements including modest adjustments to existing local bus routes; and <br />expanded Metrolink service' <br />• Three, new bus rapid transit routes: (1) Harbor Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit Corridor [Costa <br />Mesa to Fullerton, 10- minute headways, peak period]; (2) Westminster /17th Street Bus <br />Rapid Transit Corridor [Santa Ana to Long Beach, 10- minute headways, peak period]; and <br />(3) Bristol Street Bus Rapid Transit Corridor [Irvine Transportation Center to Brea Mall, 10- <br />minute headways, peak period]; and <br />30 January 2015 <br />75A -40 <br />