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Attachment 1 <br />Statement of Work <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Contract Number ML14012 <br />1. Pra ect <br />A. The City of Santa Ana (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR ") is to purchase seven <br />heavy -duty on -road vehicles, each with a 15 -year life expectancy and gross vehicle <br />weight rating greater than 14,000 pounds and equipped with dedicated liquefied <br />petroleum gas (LPG) engines. Each engine must be certified by the California Air <br />Resources Board (CARB) at, or cleaner than, the 2010 heavy -duty engine emission <br />standards of 0.2 g /bhp -hr for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and 0.01 g /bhp -hr for particulate <br />matter (PM), <br />B. CONTRACTOR is also to install a total of six 'level II" type EV charging stations at a <br />minimum of three locations within the City of Santa Ana. At least five of the stations <br />shall be publicly accessible. All stations shall meet current Society of Automotive <br />Engineers J1772 standards. Proposed locations are shown in the table below: <br />Street <br />Venue <br />215 S. Center Street <br />Corporate Yard, Service Port <br />215 S, Center Street <br />Corporate Yard, General Parking <br />201 E. 3'0 Street <br />The Santiago Arts District <br />1801 East Chestnut <br />Avenue <br />Santa Ana Zoo <br />These locations are understood to be tentative; CONTRACTOR shall notify MSRC staff of <br />any location changes. <br />CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed according to Attachment 2 - Payment Schedule. <br />2. Operation Requirements and Reimbursement for Noncompliance - Vehicles <br />Vehicles are required to operate for a minimum of five years, but it is expected that the vehicles <br />will continue to operate for their entire life expectancy. CONTRACTOR is obligated to comply <br />with the geographical restriction requirements as follows: <br />A. Each of the vehicles funded under this Contract must accrue at least 85% of its annual <br />mileage or engine hours of operation within the geographical boundaries of the South <br />Coast Air Quality Management District for a period of no less than five (5) years from <br />the date the vehicle enters service (new vehicles) or returns to service (repowered <br />vehicles). Should CONTRACTOR deviate from or fail to comply with this obligation, for <br />reasons other than those stated in the EARLY TERMINATION clause of this contract, <br />CONTRACTOR shall reimburse SCAQMD for a prorated share of the funds provided for <br />the vehicle as indicated in the table below: <br />