Laserfiche WebLink
FEB 20.2015 9 :11AM 9492768855 NO 2993 P, 10/27 <br />BUSINESS LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM <br />o. Recall Of Products, Work Or Impaired <br />(c) Title of any literary or artistic work; <br />Property <br />(8) Arising out of an offense committed by <br />Damages claimed for any loss, cost or <br />an insured whose business is: <br />expense incurred by you or others for the <br />(a) Advertising, broadcasting, <br />loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, <br />publishing or telecasting; <br />repair, replacement, adjustment, removal <br />(b) Designing or determining content <br />or disposal of: <br />of web sites for others; or <br />(1) "Your product'; <br />(c) An Internet search, access <br />(2) "Yourwork "; or <br />content or service provider. <br />(3) "Impaired property"; <br />However, this exclusion does not <br />if such product, work or property is <br />apply to Paragraphs a,, b. and c, <br />withdrawn or recalled from the market or <br />under the definition Of "personal and <br />from use by any person or organization <br />advertising injury' in Section G, — <br />because of a known or suspected defect, <br />Liability And Medical Expenses <br />deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous <br />Definitions, <br />condition in it. <br />For the purposes of this exclusion, <br />p. Personal And Advertising Injury <br />placing an "advertisement" for or <br />"Personal and advertising injury": <br />linking to others an your web site, by <br />(1) Arising out of oral, written electronic <br />itself, is not considered the business <br />one <br />publication of material, if done by or at <br />b r a <br />of advertising, broadcasting, <br />the direction of the insured with <br />publishing or telecasting; <br />knowledge of its falsity; <br />(9) Arising out of an electronic chat room <br />(Z) Arising out of oral, written electronic <br />or bulletin board the insured hosts, <br />publication of material whose first <br />w <br />owns, or over which the insured <br />publication took place before the <br />exercises control; <br />beginning of the policy period; <br />(10) Adsing out of the unauthorized use of <br />(3) Arising out of a criminal act committed <br />anther's name or product in youre -mail <br />by or at the direction of the insured; <br />address, domain name or metatags, or <br />(4) Arising out of any breach of contract, <br />any other similar tactics to mislead <br />anther's potential customers; <br />except an implied contract to use <br />another's "advertising idea" in your <br />(11) Arising out of the violation of a <br />"advertisement "; <br />person's right of privacy created by <br />(S) Arising out of the failure goods, <br />any state orfederal act <br />products or services to conform w <br />fo <br />However, this exclusion does not <br />any statement of quality or <br />or <br />apply to liability for damages that the <br />performance made in your <br />insured would have in the absence of <br />"advertisement"; <br />such state orfederal act; <br />(6) Arising out of the wrong description of <br />(12) Arising outof: <br />the price of goods, products or services; <br />(a) An "advertisement" for others on <br />(7) Arising out of any violation of any <br />your web site; <br />intellectual property rights such as <br />(b) Placing a link to a web site of <br />copyright, patent, trademark, trade <br />others on your web site; <br />name, trade secret, service mark or <br />(c) Content from a web site of others <br />other designation of origin or <br />displayed within a frame or border <br />authenticity. <br />on your web site. Content includes <br />However, this exclusion does not <br />information, code, sounds, text, <br />apply to infringement, in your <br />graphics or images; or <br />"advertisement ", of <br />(d) Computer code, software or <br />(a) Copyright; <br />programming used to enable: <br />(b) Slogan, unless the slogan is also <br />(i) Your web site; or <br />a trademark, trade name, service <br />(ii) The presentation orfunctionality <br />mark or other designation of origin <br />of an "advertisement" or other <br />or authenticity; or <br />content an yourwab site; <br />Page 8 of 24 <br />Form SS 00 08 04 05 <br />RECEIVE: N0,3654 02/20/2015/FRI <br />10:04AM <br />