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EXHIBIT D <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR HOUSING FINANCIAL ANALYTICAL AND ADVISORY SERVICES <br />THIS SHEET MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL AND RETURNED WITH OFFEROR'S PROPOSAL <br />List and describe fully the contracts performed by your firm which demonstrate your ability to provide the <br />supplies, equipment or services included in the scope of the proposal specifications. Attach additional pages <br />if required for additional references. The City reserves the right to contact each of the references listed for <br />additional information regarding your firm's qualifications. <br />Reference No. 1 <br />Customer Name: <br />Address: <br />City of Anaheim <br />Contract Individual <br />201 S. Anaheim Blvd., Ste. 1003 Phone Number: <br />Anaheim, CA 92805 Facsimile Number: <br />John Woodhead <br />(714) 765.4301 <br />(714) 765.4630 <br />Contract Amount: $100000 Year: Since 1984/2014.2015 <br />Description of supplies, equipment, or services provided: We have worked for Anaheim since 1984 on all of its <br />housing efforts, including -- multi- family bond issues, the renovation of the Chevy Chase neighborhood and a wide range of <br />rehabilitation and other programs. We also led the financial negotiations with The Walt Disney Company leading to the <br />expansion of Disneyland and $1.5 billion of public and private capital investment. <br />Reference No. <br />Customer Name: City of Hayward Contract Individual: Omar Cortez <br />Address: <br />777 B Street <br />Phone Number: (510) 583.4246 <br />Hayward, CA 94541 Facsimile Number: (510) 583.3650 <br />Contract Amount: $80,000 Year: Sincel984 /2012.2016 <br />Description of supplies, equipment, or services provided: As financial advisor since 1984, we have completed — <br />multi - family bond transactions, have evaluated and helped negotiate public agency investments in many major projects and <br />worked on redevelopment and transit-oriented developments by both BART stations. <br />City of Santa Ana Community Development Agency <br />Request for Qualifications - Housing Financial Analytical and Advisory Services <br />Page 13 <br />25C -72 <br />