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7015 FEB 10 AM 9: 2 4 <br />January 2015 CITY OF SANTA hilfl, <br />CLERK OF F;i, tji r 11 <br />Santa Ana City Council <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana 92701 <br />Honorable Council Members: <br />As a resident of Santa Ana I am writing to express my <br />opposition to the water and sewer fees proposed by the city <br />of Santa Ana. <br />The city did not hold neighborhood meetings to seek <br />input from residents on the proposed water fee increases <br />and sewer fees. Residents already pay high city utility taxes, <br />water fees and other fees. Residents have been assured the <br />city is fiscally sound, the city even hired a City Manager with <br />a high annual salary and benefits that started with $558,000 <br />the first year <br />I expect you to vote against the proposed water fee <br />increase and sewer fees when the City Council votes on this <br />proposal. <br />Sincerely, <br />� 3 ocj VN ,0,0 f&\(,A r a <br />� " -' A /\ k- , C- fa-' <br />75A -71 <br />