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The OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension <br />(Nonprocurement) contained in 2 CFR Part 180 and the corresponding IMLS regulations <br />contained in 2 CFR Part 3185 apply to IMLS grants. <br />The Consultant, as a primary tier participant, is required to comply with 2 CFR Part 180 <br />subpart C (Responsibilities of Participants Regarding Transactions Doing Business with Other <br />Persons) as a condition of participation in the award. The Consultant is also required to <br />communicate the requirement to comply with 2 CFR Part 180 subpart C (Responsibilities of <br />Participants Regarding Transactions Doing Business with Other Persons) to persons at the next <br />lower tier with whom the Consultant enters into covered transactions. <br />C. Drug -Free Workplace <br />The Consultant must provide a drug-free workplace by complying with the requirements <br />in 2 CFR Part 3186 (Requirements for Drug -Free Workplace (Financial Assistance)). In <br />particular, the Consultant must comply with drug-free workplace requirements in subpart B (or <br />subpart C, if the recipient is an individual) of 2 CFR Part 3186. <br />This includes, but is not limited to: malting a good faith effort, on a continuing basis, to <br />maintain a drug-free workplace; publishing a drug-free workplace statement; establishing a drug- <br />free awareness program for the Consultant's employees; taking actions concerning employees <br />who are convicted of violating drug statutes in the workplace; and identifying (either at the time <br />of application or upon award, or in documents the Consultant keeps on file in its offices) all <br />known workplaces under the Consultant's Federal awards. <br />D. Trafficking in Persons <br />The Consultant must comply with Federal law pertaining to trafficking in persons. Under <br />22 U.S.C. §71.04(g), any grant, contract, or cooperative agreement entered into by Federal <br />agency and a private entity shall include a condition that authorizes the Federal agency (IMLS) <br />to terminate the grant, contract, or cooperative agreement if the Consultant, subgrantee, <br />contractor, or subcontractor engages in trafficking in persons, procures a commercial sex act, or <br />uses forced labor. 2 CFR Part 175 requires IMLS to include the following award term, which is <br />made a partofthese General Terms and Conditions: <br />a. Provisions applicable to a recipient that is a private entity <br />1. You as the recipient, your employees, subrecipients under this award, and <br />subrecipients' employees may not - <br />i. Engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of <br />time that the award is in effect; <br />H. Procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award <br />is in effect; or <br />