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planting of the proposed Bristol Street Corridor Redevelopment Project and this <br />project, will assist in addressing the minority and small business relocation issues <br />and provide recommendations to the City Council. <br />F. Community Facilities <br />Right -of -way requirements would result in the diminishment of site area at one <br />public elementary school and one church, and would require displacement of two <br />private preschools. The affected sites include: <br />1. loss of front yard area at the Jose Andres Sepulveda School; - <br />2. the Southwest Learning Center /Preschool would be displaced; <br />3. the Children Center /Preschool would be displaced; <br />4. the Lutheran Church at 1406 South Bristol Street would lose• land along - <br />Bristol Street, requiring a reorientation of building and parldng areas to <br />meet City of Santa Ana zoning standards. <br />G. Assessed Property Values <br />Acquisition of needed rigbi -of -way and removal of existing structures would - <br />reduce the amount of private property subject to assessment of local property _ <br />taxes. The potential loss in annual property taxes is currently estimated at <br />$322,300. This would be as adverse impact for those public agencies which <br />receive property tax disbursements from the project area. The potential <br />diminishment in property taxes will be somewhat recovered through <br />redevelopment of remnant parcels and intensification of existing uses. R <br />H. Utilities <br />No disturbance of underground utilities is anticipated in order to construct the <br />widened roadway; however, since overhead utility lines will need to be relocated, <br />the project may cause temporary disruption of electrical and telephone service to <br />some area businesses and residences. It is possibie to minimise any disruption <br />to service during the construction process through coordination with local utility <br />companies. <br />Circulation <br />The construction activities required to widen the roadway may temporarily restrict <br />traffic flow along Bristol Street. While the roadway will remain open to through <br />traffic, the number of available travel lanes will probably be reduced during <br />various phases of construction, thereby reducing the capacity and efficiency of the <br />-viii- <br />75C -19 <br />