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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase IIIA — Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue <br />1.0 INTRODUCTION <br />This Addendum has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), <br />as amended, to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed changes to the widening of <br />Bristol Street, from Warner Avenue to Memory Lane as proposed in the Project Final Environmental <br />Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report (FEIS /EIR) approved in 1990 (FHWA-CA- EIS- 89 -01- <br />F; SCH No. 87071509). <br />This Addendum focuses on the segment of Bristol Street between Civic Center Drive to Washington <br />Avenue (Phase IIIA, or Project) and is limited to the proposed improvements to this segment. This <br />Addendum provides an assessment of potential environmental impacts associated with minor design <br />modifications and the issue of climate change which was not addressed in the previously prepared and <br />certified FEIS /EIR. <br />Design modifications to the Project, since approval of the 1990 FEIS /EIR, that are addressed in this <br />Addendum include the following: <br />• The 1990 FEIS/EIR, using decommissioned noise methodology, recommended noise barriers <br />( soundwalls) at all easterly parcel boundaries currently fronting the east side of Bristol Street <br />between Civic Center Drive and Washington Avenue. However, using current noise modeling <br />methodology (RBF Consulting 2014), noise abatement in the form of noise barriers is not <br />required for the Phase IIIA Project. <br />• For purposes of aesthetic treatment and enhancement, the proposed Project would install an <br />approximately 8 -foot high block wall at approximately the same location where soundwalls were <br />previously recommended (as addressed in the 1990 FEIS /EIR). <br />• The proposed Project increases the total right -of -way width from 120 feet to 128 feet. The <br />proposed Project right -of -way cross - section would maintain a curb -to -curb width of 100 feet, <br />would accommodate a 7 -foot wide bike lane on each side of the roadway, and would not affect <br />the number or width of vehicular travel lanes as compared to the right -of -way cross- section <br />addressed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR. However, the proposed Project right -of -way cross section, as <br />compared to the right -of -way cross section addressed in the 1990 FEIS/EIR, would reduce the <br />width of the sidewalks from 10 to 8 feet and also accommodate a 6 -foot wide parkway on each <br />side of Bristol Street to separate pedestrian and vehicular travel; a parkway was not included as <br />part of the roadway cross section addressed in the 1990 FEIS /EIR. Acquisition of property <br />resulting from the proposed Project right -of -way is accounted for in this analysis. <br />• Addition of a westbound right -turn lane on Washington Avenue at Bristol Street. <br />• Addition of a cul -de -sac at 9th Street on the west side of Bristol Street. <br />• Full and partial acquisition on both sides of Bristol Street between Civic Center Drive and <br />Washington Avenue. <br />• Changes in land use as part of the Bristol Specific Plan Addendum, as follows: <br />o Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 405- 262 -21, -22, -23, -24, -25, -26, -27, -28,-29, -30, - <br />31, -32, and -33; and 405- 274 -09, -10,41, -12, and -13) —Land use change from Park to <br />Park with Commercial option. <br />Additionally, the topic of greenhouse gas (GFIG) emissions was not addressed in the previously approved <br />1990 FEIS /EIR as this topic was not a subject matter that required evaluation pursuant to CEQA at that <br />time. As such, this Addendum analyzes the effects of GHG emissions associated with construction and <br />operation of the proposed Project. <br />ANA 305 -011 (PER 02) CITY OF SANTA ANA (01/19/2015) YU PAGE 1 <br />75B -13 <br />