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City of Santa Ana Response to Request for Proposal (Rf-'P) Medical Services Review 1 2(9115 <br />required pursuant to a DOT requirements for a positive finding using GCMS confirmation. When MRO <br />confirmation is required the City will be notified of the delay. <br />1 <br />Breath Alcohol Collections <br />1 For BAT confirmation only FBI's on the NHTSA CPl.for evidential devices that meet the requirements <br />1 of CFR -title 49, PART §=40.231 (b) will be used to conduct alcohol confirmation. These results will be <br />1 immediately available to the City. <br />C. COMERCIAL DRIVER PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS <br />t Pursuant to 49 CFR § 391.41 Department of fransportation Physical Qualifications and Examination of <br />Drivers Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, a DMV medical exam will be administered. A Department of <br />Motor Vehicles Medical Examiners Certificate per 49 CFR 391.41 -49 will be prepared by the examining <br />medical provider and will be given to the employee with a copy emailed by OCCU -Med to the City's <br />Human Resources Department. Pursuant to the May 19, 2014 revisions to the Federal Motor Carrier <br />t Safety Regulations Occu -Med will ensure all medical providers conducting DOT exams are certified on <br />the National Registry. <br />As required, Occu -Med will also schedule ancillary required commercial driver components including but <br />not limited to: DMV DL 51 Medical Examination Report requirements and Audiometric baseline per <br />CCR Title 8 § 5097 (audiogram an to assess hearing between 500hz: 6000hz). Information will be <br />recorded in accorda nce with CCR Title 8 § 5097. <br />D, FITNESS- FOR -DUTY EXAMS <br />Intensive Return -To -Work Program (IRTW) <br />Occu -Med, through its Fitness -For -Duty (FFD) and Intensive RCtUrn -To -Work (IRTW) Programs. <br />focuses on delivering employer- oriented analysis regarding injured or disabled employees. Occu -tiled has <br />been an industry leader in employee health solutions for over 36 years, and, through its IRTW diaision, its <br />medical and legal expertise is concentrated to provide employers with a valuable perspective on <br />evaluating whether or not an employee, as a result of an injury or medical condition, can continue to <br />perform the essential functions- of a,job with or without reasonable accommodation. <br />13 1 Occu -Med <br />25A -29 <br />