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3 <br />[] <br />City of Santa Ann Response to Request for Proposal (RFP) Medical Scrvices Review 1 2/9/15 <br />alternate job, for which the emp]o)ee is otherwise qualified (retains the necessar) knowledge, ski IIsand <br />abilities), exists and is presently eacant, allowing, the err plo)ec to return to work with the City under a <br />news ,job title. If alternalk ejob placement is not available, the client now has legally defensible <br />documentation tojustif) that the proposed accommodations are unreasonable. Occu -Med's report (Mcd- <br />Lcgal Anal)sis) integrates the functional limitations of the empim cc and the legal and practical <br />ramifications regarding the agency's ability to accommodate the employee's restrictions or <br />the egall) appropriate path for terminating the employee. Occu -Med considers all the relevant factors or <br />the case before rendering a Inedlcall) appropriate and legally defenslble)ob sultablht) recommendation. <br />In cases where the employee is unresponsive to Oceu -Med's correspondence a report documenting the <br />attempts to contact the employee and the uvploycc s failure to engage in the reasonable accommodation <br />process will be provided to the Cit) . With the City's apprm at, a Notification of Medical Disqualification <br />(Failure to Engage in the Reasonable Accommodation Process) letter M I I be sent to explain to the <br />employee that his or her lack Of response to the Individualized Assessment /Reasonable Accommodation <br />1 invimtion constitutes his or her failure to engage in the reasonable accommodation process. This letter <br />1 ma) also be used in the case that the employee's medical condition is a contraindication to job placement <br />and no reasonable accommodation could be made. Occu -Med's IRTW Report and recommendation will <br />allow the Cit) to make an informed, legally defensible decision as to whether or not an employee should <br />1 be returned to work. <br />I <br />E. Ocea °VAX <br />Occu -VAX is the scheduling and coordination, immunization record management and the on -going <br />management of all immunization and chemoprophylasis treatments for applicants and employees forjobs. <br />This service. includes an individualized evaluation of each applicant / employee to assess the <br />appropriateness and necessity for administering the immunization and chemoprophylaeis treatments <br />outlined in the specific Occu -VAX Profile prior to and, when appropriate, during employment. <br />Schp(lujima.lci Coordil)atioltl: Upon completion of the medical evaluation orconcurrentl) by <br />requirement or request from a designated City employee, Occu -Med Mil promptly contact applicants/ <br />employees to: a,) assess the appropriateness and necessity for receiving inimuniaition and <br />chemoproph)inxis treatments, and b) schedule and coordinate [lie administration of those iinnuuiization <br />and chonioproph) la -xis treatments deemed appropriate and necessary prior to and during employ tnent. <br />to i Occu -Med <br />25A -32 <br />