Laserfiche WebLink
InfoSend Response— 12/20/2006 <br />ATTACHMENT E <br />Provide details as requested under the entitle sections: <br />IF ADDITIONAL SPACE REQUIRED FOR DETAILS PLEASE ATTACH A SEPARATE <br />SHEET(S) <br />W.A.1, AUDIT TRAIL <br />The successful vendor shall have a proven audit trail governing all phases of the bill production <br />and fulfillment process. <br />1) "Describe your capacity to back out of or suspend a printing run (or any phase of the <br />process) and correct problems." <br />A print run can be cancelled or suspended at any time. If the batch has already been <br />printed then it can be cancelled or suspended in the mailing department. If the City <br />requires that certain bills be suppressed then it can accomplish this in one of two ways: <br />(1) The bill can be pulled electronically if the client provides a suppression file prior to the <br />processing of the batch. (2) The file can also be pulled during any point of production. The <br />latest pull request would be at 4:45 p.m. because the mail is delivered to the USPS at 5:00 <br />p.m. <br />2) Describe the steps by which you would: <br />a) "Verify the data received." <br />After the file is received the system automatically checks to see if the client <br />accidentally uploaded a file that had already been received in the past 6 months. If a <br />duplicate has been received then InfoSend will put the file on hold and contact the <br />client. <br />The City can embed the total number of records and the amount billed at the <br />beginning or end of its data file. If this is done then InfoSend can automatically <br />compare its post - processing total with the City's total. If the totals don't match then <br />an internal warning will be created and InfoSend support staff will investigate the <br />issue. <br />The City will receive a File Transfer Report from InfoSend that verifies that the file <br />was received. The report contains the time the file was received and the record <br />count. After the batch is completed the City receives a Process Confirmation report <br />that lists the total dollar amount billed in the batch. The City's staff can view this <br />information to ensure that the batch was processed properly. The City also has the <br />option of viewing and reviewing this information prior to the printing of the batch. If <br />this option is selected then the report will be embedded in the sample PDF file so <br />that it can be reviewed and approved before the file is printed. <br />b) "Verify the complete success of a billing run (processing, printing, and fulfillment <br />phases)." <br />Each billing run is automatically tracked in InfoSend Job Tracking system. This <br />system is available to both InfoSend staff members and to the City itself. Every file <br />25H -35 23 <br />