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InfoSend Response— 12128/2006 <br />ii. Server data is backed up to tapes that are taken off -site daily. <br />iii. An image of every system's hard drive is written to a file server after the <br />system is setup and configured. This ensures that entire systems can be <br />quickly restored without having to first install and configure the operating <br />system. <br />2. The RAID system is used on all servers to ensure that data remains available <br />in the event of a hard disk failure. <br />3. InfoSend internally develops its programs and systems, so IT staff members <br />are always available to handle potential problems. <br />Hardware /Communications: <br />1. Client programs are run on industry- standard X86 based workstations, readily <br />available in the marketplace. Backup policies ensure that computer theft <br />could not cripple operations. <br />2. Enterprise class firewalls are used to safeguard data, using a combination of <br />the layer -3, layer -4, and layer -7 security technologies. <br />3. InfoSend's main facility uses two T1 broadband connections provided by <br />different ISP's to ensure that Internet communications are always available. <br />4. InfoSend employs the use of Load Balancing /High Availability equipment to <br />manage the traffic from its Internet providers. InfoSend can sustain the loss of <br />one broadband line without any impact to production. <br />5. Hardware firmware updates are tested and applied to harden systems. <br />Subscriptions to e-mail security bulletins inform IT staff of security holes in <br />hardware products as soon as this information becomes available. <br />6. InfoSend uses multiple printers and printer types to ensure that a printer <br />supply shortage or hardware issues do not delay production. <br />7. InfoSend's employs around the clock service contracts for production printers <br />and servers to ensure that hardware problems do not hamper production. <br />8. LAN servers and web servers are kept on separate networks to ensure that <br />there is no unauthorized data access via the net, Only authenticated users of <br />InfoSend's intranet can access the data. <br />InfoSend's employees are cross - trained and can manage tasks that span the <br />entire production process. At InfoSend's current size and capacity, <br />operations can run normally with the absence of key personnel until they <br />return or another person is trained for their position with no effect on <br />production. <br />Disaster Recovery Facility <br />InfoSend owns and operates a second production facility designated for <br />Disaster Recovery. <br />Location: 1406 Centre Circle Downers Grove, Illinois, <br />25H -43 31 <br />