Laserfiche WebLink
InfoSend Response— 12/29/2006 <br />InfoSend will not charge the City for the monthly maintenance. All maintenance is inclusive <br />of the per -bill printing and online presentation fees. <br />IV.A.13 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE <br />"Vendor shall provide suggested performance standards against which compliance with the <br />contract shall be measured. Failure to comply with measurements will results in penalties to be <br />determined during contract negotiations." <br />1.) Timeliness of Statement Mailing /Presentment <br />InfoSend will print +mail and electronically present bills per the RFP specifications. Failure to <br />perform duties in the agreed upon timeframe will entitle client to service level credits. <br />Exceptions: <br />a.) If InfoSend's automated systems are unable to process the client's data file due <br />to an unscheduled data format change on the client's end. InfoSend will contact <br />the client and request that the file be resubmitted in the correct format. Should <br />client not be able to send the data in the previous format due to a system <br />change, time will be needed for InfoSend to make programming changes. Client <br />should therefore notify InfoSend in advance if its data format is going to change. <br />InfoSend requests that it be notified at least 4 weeks in advance of a data format <br />change. <br />b.) If client requests that samples of the bills are reviewed and approved before they <br />are printed /posted and fails to approve samples within a few hours then a delay <br />may be caused. <br />2.) Bill Accuracy <br />InfoSend will print/post bills free of any errors. Failure to print /post bills accurately will entitle <br />client to service level credits. <br />Exceptions: <br />a.) If client sends incorrect data there is a good chance that InfoSend will also repeat <br />the error. Example — client submits data in which the balance due from the first <br />customer in the file is incorrectly repeated in the balance due for the second <br />customer in the file. The sample approval process can help the client catch his or <br />her own error. <br />b.) If client sends a customer record, which contains data that would not currently fit <br />on the printed statement, then truncation will occur. Example — if the current <br />printed statement is formatted to display a 20- character or less customer first <br />name and a data file is submitted that contains a 40- character customer first <br />name then data truncation will occur. If client is adding a new field to its data <br />format or is including new data elements in existing fields, it is recommended that <br />it send InfoSend-a test file to ensure that data truncation will not occur. <br />3.) Availability of websites <br />InfoSend employs the use of multiple internet connections from different Internet Service <br />Providers to maximize website uptime. The websites will be accessible by customers and CSRs <br />at all times. <br />Exceptions: <br />25H -47 35 <br />