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IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: <br />1. The orders and provisions contained in my January 17, 2014 Proclamation, <br />my April 25, 2014 Proclamation, and Executive Orders B -26 -14 and B -28 -14 <br />remain in full force and effect except as modified herein, <br />SAVE WATER <br />2. The State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) shall impose <br />restrictions to achieve a statewide 25% reduction in potable urban water <br />usage through February 28, 2016. These restrictions will require water <br />suppliers to California's cities and towns to reduce usage as compared to the <br />amount used in 2013. These restrictions should consider the relative per <br />capita water usage of each water suppliers' service area, and require that <br />those areas with high per capita use achieve proportionally greater reductions <br />than those with low use. The California Public Utilities Commission is <br />requested to take similar action with respect to investor -owned utilities <br />providing water services. <br />3. The Department of Water Resources (the Department) shall lead a statewide <br />initiative, in partnership with local agencies, to collectively replace 50 million <br />square feet of lawns and ornamental turf with drought tolerant landscapes. <br />The Department shall provide funding to allow for lawn replacement programs <br />in underserved communities, which will complement local programs already <br />underway across the state.. <br />4, The California Energy Commission, jointly with the Department and the Water <br />Board, shall implement a time - limited statewide appliance rebate program to <br />provide monetary incentives for the replacement of inefficient household <br />devices. <br />5. The Water Board shall impose restrictions to require that commercial, <br />industrial, and institutional properties, such as campuses, golf courses, and <br />cemeteries, immediately implement water efficiency measures to reduce <br />potable water usage in an amount consistent with the reduction targets <br />mandated by Directive 2 of this Executive Order. <br />6, The Water Board shall prohibit irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf <br />on public street medians. <br />7. The Water Board shall prohibit irrigation with potable water outside of newly <br />constructed homes and buildings that is not delivered by drip or microspray <br />systems. <br />25H -58 <br />