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13. Agricultural water suppliers that supply water to 10,000 to 25,000 acres of <br />irrigated lands shall develop Agricultural Water Management Plans and <br />submit the plans to the Department by July 1, 2016. These plans shall <br />include a detailed drought management plan and quantification of water <br />supplies and demands in 2013, 2014, and 2015, to the extent that data is <br />available. The Department shall give priority in grant funding to agricultural <br />water suppliers that supply water to 10,000 to 25;000 acres of land for <br />development and implementation of Agricultural Water Management Plans. <br />14. The Department shall report to Water Board on the status of the Agricultural <br />Water Management Plan submittals within one month of receipt of those <br />reports. <br />15. Local water agencies in high and medium priority groundwater basins shall <br />immediately implement all requirements of the California Statewide <br />Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Program pursuant to Water Code section <br />10933. The Department shall refer noncompliant local water agencies within <br />high and medium priority groundwater basins to the Water Board by <br />December 31, 2015, which shall consider adopting regulations or taking <br />appropriate enforcement to promote compliance. <br />16. The California Energy Commission shall adopt emergency regulations <br />establishing standards that improve the efficiency of water appliances, <br />Including toilets, urinals, and faucets available for sale and installation in new <br />and existing buildings. <br />INVEST IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES <br />17. The California Energy Commission, jointly with the Department and the Water <br />Board, shall implement a Water Energy Technology (WET) program to deploy <br />innovative water management technologies for businesses, residents, <br />industries, and agriculture. This program will achieve water and energy <br />savings and greenhouse gas reductions by accelerating use of cutting -edge <br />technologies such as renewable energy - powered desalination, integrated on- <br />site reuse systems, water -use monitoring software, irrigation system timing <br />and precision technology, and on -farm precision technology. <br />STREAMLINE GOVERNMENT RESPONSE <br />18. The Office of Emergency Services and the Department of Housing and <br />Community Development shall work jointly with counties to provide temporary <br />assistance for persons moving from housing units due to a lack of potable <br />water who are served by a private well or water utility with less than 15 <br />connections, and where all reasonable attempts to find a potable water <br />source have been exhausted. <br />19. State permitting agencies shall prioritize review and approval of water <br />infrastructure projects and programs that increase local water supplies, <br />including water recycling facilities, reservoir improvement projects, surface <br />water treatment plants, desalination plants, stormwater capture, and <br />greywater systems. Agencies shall report to the Governor's Office on <br />applications that have been pending for longer than 90 days. <br />_TZr. , <br />25H -60 <br />