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APR -20 -2015 00:53 FROM:LPGRL DOCUMENT RSSIS 7146807722 70:19497273660 R, 4,7 <br />any of dioir officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, or representatives with any <br />state, federal, or local agency or court and that he will not do so at array time lnefeafter as it <br />rolates to the Lawsuit and that if any agency Or court assumes j4iisdlOrl0I of any <br />complaint, claim, or action against Dorcadarils or any of them on Plahalfis behalf, <br />Plaintiff will direct that agency or court to withdraw and dismiss will' P10judlco such a <br />matter, <br />4�TM Plaintiff represents and warrants that no portion of any claim, right, <br />demand, Mier, or cause of action that he has or might have against Defendants or atny of <br />them, and any of their officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, or <br />representatives or any portion of any recovety or settiomcut to which he may be entitled <br />from Defendants, has boon assigned or transferred to any person, entity or corporation in <br />any manner, including by way of subrogation, transfer or operation of law. In the event <br />that any claim, demand, suit or Hen (existing or potential), was instituted against the <br />Defendants, including the officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, ar <br />representatives, because of any such purported assignment, subrogation, transfer or lien, <br />Plaintiff agrees to indeamiify and hold harmless Defendants and their officers, agents, <br />directors, supervisors, employees, or representatives against any such ulahn; suit, domand, <br />and to pay nod satisfy any such claim, suit, demand or lien, including exponsos of <br />investigation, attorneys' 'foes, and costs, <br />+IFT11h The Parties hereto hereby agree that all rights under Section 1542 of <br />the Civil Code of the State of California are hereby waived, Civil Code Section 1542 <br />provides as follows: <br />"A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does <br />not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing <br />the release, which if known by him or her must have materially <br />Affected hl; or her settlement with the debtor." <br />SIXTH; Notwithstanding the provisions of Civil Codc section 1542, each <br />party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally rgleascs and forever disoharges each other <br />party and each and oil of its officers, agonts, directors, supervisors, employe", <br />representatives, and its successors and assigns and alt persons noting by, through, undor, <br />or in concert with each other party from any and all chargos, complaints, claims, and <br />liabilities of any kind or..nature whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected <br />(hereinafter referred to as "claim" or "claims ") that each releasing party at any time <br />heretofore had or claimed to have or which each releasing party at any time hereafter may <br />have or claim to have, incidental to the Incident(s) that form the basis of the Lawsuit, <br />Each of the Pardon acicaowledges that befit may have sustained damages, losses, <br />coats, or expensos that- are presently anknown and unsuspected, and that such <br />s <br />Mutual Reteasa rand Seafamcnt Aarcement Document No. 25415 <br />