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RPR-20-2015 00:54 FfRnN:LEGRL DDCWENT ASSTS 7146907722 TD:19497273660 P.6/7 <br />J3L1LLT—'TJj; Should any provision of this Agreement be declared or be <br />determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, Or <br />the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining patts, terms, Of provisions Shall <br />not be xffcotcd thereby, and said illegal, or invalid Part, term, Or provision <br />shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement, <br />:CK1JkU:,1.i'NrH; This Agreornerut sets forth the entire agreement between the <br />Parties lieroto and fully supersedes as yy and oil prior agreements or understandings, <br />written or oral, bcl:weon the Parties hereto pertaining to the subject Matter hereof. <br />rart,liorinore, It Is expressly understood and agreed that this Agractflont may not be <br />altered, amended, rnQdifiod, or otherwise challgod in any respect or particular whatsoever <br />except by a writing duty executed by authorized representatives of the B'at'tles 1101'0(0, 'The <br />Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they will ninko no claim at any time or VInco, <br />that this Agreement has been orally. altered or Modified or otilorwiso changed by oral <br />communication of any kind or character, <br />EQUIALNIM: This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with <br />the plain meaning of its terms and not strictly for or against any of the Parties hereto, <br />1171E, T_E_& .1 Plaintiff warrants that there is no Medicare lien in this matter. <br />However, should Medicare be entitled to or demand additional payment for services <br />rendered in corrneotlon with this action, Plaintiff alone is responsible for any payments <br />required to be paid to Medicare, <br />SIXTE N_Jrffi Each of the undersigned signing on behalf of a party that <br />is not an if1dividual person warrants that he ,x 0, <br />she is authorized to sign for and <br />binds simb. party. <br />The foregoing Release and Settlement Agmonlknl is agree' to by; <br />Dated: <br />VI ) S NE <br />Plaintiff <br />[CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGr] <br />Mutual Release and Settlement ArVotaltat Downiont No. 25415 <br />