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A- 2015 -051 <br />GRANT AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION AND <br />REHABILITATION OF A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE <br />(HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS) <br />(24 CFR Part 574) <br />As of this 7`h day of April, 2015, the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal <br />corporation duly organized under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ( "City "), <br />k and STRAIGHT TALK CLINIC, INC. ( "Project Sponsor "), a 501(c) 3 corporation, in furtherance <br />of the regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development set forth in <br />24 CFR Part 574 (the " HOPWA Regulations "), hereby agree as follows: <br />A. City is responsible for administering the use of certain funds ( "HOPWA Funds ") made <br />available by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ( "HUD ") under the <br />j1 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (the " HOPWA Program ") Catalog of <br />{ Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number 14.241. <br />B. The City issued a Request for Proposals on February 6, 2015, and Project Sponsor was <br />selected to be awarded this grant. <br />C. Project Sponsor intends to enter into this Agreement with the City of Santa Ana, for the <br />acquisition and rehabilitation of real properly located at 1677 West Ord Way, Anaheim, California, <br />and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Agreement (the "Property ") which shall be <br />operated as "Kairo's House ". <br />D. Project Sponsor intends to acquire and improve the Property which is a single family <br />house with at least five (5) bedrooms (the `Project") as defined in 24 CFR 574.340. The Project <br />will serve homeless individuals with a qualified disability to provide permanent housing with <br />supportive services for persons with human immunodeficiency virus ( "HIV ") or acquired <br />immunodeficiency syndrome ( "AIDS ") and related diseases. <br />E. City has determined that Project Sponsor and the Property are eligible to receive funds <br />made available by HUD pursuant to the HOPWA Program for the purpose of acquiring and <br />rehabilitating the single family home. <br />F. 'The parties mutually desire to comply with all applicable HOPWA Regulations. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to make a grant of 14OPWA Funds to Project Sponsor in the <br />amount of SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($720,000) (the "Grant "), <br />subject to the following terms and conditions: <br />1. Use of Grant 124 CFR 574.300(b)(3)1 <br />The Grant shall be used exclusively for the payment of acquisition and rehabilitation costs <br />associated with the development of the Project. Grant funds shall be used as follows: <br />