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EXHIBIT G <br />RECORDING REQUESTED BY <br />AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: <br />The City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (M -37) <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92702 <br />FREE RECORDING REQUESTED <br />(Gov't Code Section 6103) <br />AGREEMENT CONTAINING COVENANTS <br />AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY <br />{1677 West Ord Way, Anaheim, CA) <br />THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINING COVENANTS AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY <br />(the "Agreement Containing Covenants ") is entered into this 7th day of April, 2015, by and between <br />STRAIGHT TALK CLINIC, INC. ( "Project Sponsor "), a 501(c)3 corporation, and the CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal corporation ( "City "). <br />RECITALS: <br />A. City is responsible for administering the use of certain funds ( "HOPWA Funds ") made <br />available by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ( "HUD ") under the <br />Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (the " HOPWA Program "). <br />B. For the purpose of effectuating the HOPWA Program, the City and Project Sponsor have <br />entered into that certain Grant Agreement for Acquisition and Rehabilitation of a Single Family <br />House, dated concurrently herewith (the "Grant Agreement "), pursuant to which City made a grant <br />to Project Sponsor for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a single family home of which all of the <br />bedrooms will be for individuals with human immunodeficiency virus ( "HIV ") or acquired <br />immunodeficiency syndrome ( "AIDS ") and related diseases located in the City of Anaheim, <br />California, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporation hereby <br />by this reference (the "Property"). <br />C. Project Sponsor will use the funds provided by City pursuant to the Grant Agreement, to <br />acquire and rehabilitate the Property which will be operated as "Kairo's House ". <br />D. The Grant Agreement contains certain provisions relating to the use of the Property with <br />respect to which the parties have agreed to execute and record this Agreement Containing <br />Covenants. <br />►S'! <br />