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below that needed to pay for the labor and materials necessary to complete the work <br />3. Minimum Use Period 124 CFR 574.310(c)] Project Sponsor agrees that all of the <br />bedrooms in the Property will be used to provide housing for individuals with HIV /AIDS or related <br />diseases for a period of not less than ten (10) years from the date of issuance of Certificate of <br />Occupancy or Notice of Completion of rehabilitation ( "Term "). <br />4. Eligible Occupants f24 CFR 574.3, 24 CFR 573.310(e)1 <br />Occupancy of the Property shall be limited to Eligible Persons. For the purpose of this Agreement: <br />a. "Eligible Person" shall mean a person with HIV /AIDS or a related disease who is a <br />very low- income individual, and the person's Family. <br />b. "Very Low - Income Individual" mean any individual or family whose income does <br />not exceed 50% of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustments for <br />household size. <br />5. Rental Payments 124 CFR 574.310(4), 24 CFR 574.430)1 <br />The rent charged by Project Sponsor for any dwelling unit within the Property shall be <br />the product of 30% times 50% of the area median income adjusted for family size (less utility <br />allowance appropriate for the Unit). Except for rent, Project Sponsor shall not charge any fee of <br />any Eligible Person for any housing or services provided with HOPWA Funds. <br />6. Supportive Services 124 CFR 574.310(a)1 Project Sponsor, either itself or through <br />qualified service providers in the area, shall make appropriate supportive services available to the <br />occupants of the Property. Supportive social services include but are not limited to, health, mental <br />health, assessment, permanent housing placement, drug and alcohol abuse treatment and <br />counseling, day care, personal assistance, nutritional services, intensive care when required, and <br />assistance in gaining access to local, State, and Federal government benefits and services, except <br />that health services may only be provided to individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome <br />or related diseases and not to family members of these individuals. For any individual with AIDS <br />or a related disease who requires more intensive care than can be provided at the Property, Project <br />Sponsor shall locate a care provider who can appropriately care for the individual and refer the <br />individual to that care provider. <br />7. Housing Ouality Standards 124 CFR 574.310(b)1 The Property shall be rehabilitated to <br />comply with the housing quality standards set forth in 24 CFR 574.310(b), a copy of which is <br />attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C. Project Sponsor shall maintain the Property in compliance <br />with the housing quality standards for the entire Term of this Agreement. <br />8. Other Program Requirements <br />Project Sponsor shall comply with all applicable federal requirements set forth in Subpart E, F and <br />G of the HOPWA regulations, including the following: <br />