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f. Conflict of Interest. 24 CFR 574.625. No person who is an employee, agent, <br />consultant, officer or elected or appointed official of the City of Santa Ana or of Project Sponsor, <br />who exercises or has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to activities assisted <br />with HOPWA Funds or who is in a position to participate in a decision making process or gain <br />inside information with regard to these activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from this <br />Agreement, or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement with respect hereto, either <br />for himself or herself or those with whom he or she has family or business ties, during his or her <br />tenure or for one year thereafter. <br />g. Debarment and Suspension. 24 CFR 574.620. Concurrently with the execution of <br />this Agreement, Project Sponsor has completed and delivered to the City the Certificate Regarding <br />Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - -Lower Tier Covered Transactions, <br />attached hereto as Exhibit E, as required by 24 CFR 574.620. <br />h. Lobbying. 24 CFR 574.615. Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, <br />Project Sponsor has completed and delivered to the City the Certification Regarding Lobbying <br />attached hereto as Exhibit F, as required by 24 CFR 574.615. <br />i. Flood Insurance. 24 CFR 574.640. This Agreement is subject to the requirements <br />of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.). No portion of the assistance <br />provided under this Agreement is approved for acquisition, rehabilitation, or construction purposes <br />as defined under Section 3(a) of said Act, for use in an area identified by the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency as having special flood hazards which is located in a community not then in <br />compliance with the requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program <br />pursuant to Section 201(d) of said Act. The use of any assistance provided under this Agreement <br />for such acquisition, rehabilitation, or construction in such identified areas in communities then <br />participating in the National Flood Insurance Program shall be subject to the mandatory purchase of <br />flood insurance requirements of Section 102(a) of said Act. <br />j. Coastal Barriers. 24 CFR 574.645. This Agreement is subject to the Coastal <br />Barrier Resources Act (16 U.S.C. 3501). No financial assistance under the HOPWA Program may <br />be made available within the Coastal Barrier Resources System. The use of any assistance provided <br />under this Agreement within the Coastal Barrier Resources System shall be grounds for immediate <br />termination of this Agreement. <br />9. All -Risk and Liability Insurance. Project Sponsor shall maintain, during the term of this <br />Agreement, (1) an all -risk property insurance policy insuring the Property in an amount equal to the <br />full replacement value of the structures on the Property, and (2) a comprehensive general liability <br />insurance policy with a $1,000,000 limit of liability. The all -risk policy shall name the City as loss <br />payee and the liability insurance policy shall name the City as an additional insured. Each policy <br />shall contain a statement of obligation on behalf of the insurance carrier to notify the City of any <br />material change, cancellation or termination of coverage at least 30 days in advance of the effective <br />date of such material change, cancellation or termination. Project Sponsor shall deliver a copy of <br />the certificate of insurance for each policy and the loss payee or additional insured endorsement, as <br />the case may be, to the City at the close of escrow for the acquisition of the Property. Project <br />