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Hanover <br />Insurance. Group - <br />a. Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, B. <br />a. Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, B. <br />Exclusions, paragraph 1.k., the following is <br />Exclusions, Paragraph 1. o. is replaced in its <br />added: <br />entirety by the following: <br />Paragraph (4) does not apply to "property <br />o. Recall of Products, Work or Impaired <br />damage" to borrowed equipment while at a <br />Property <br />jobsite and not being used to perform <br />Damages claimed for any loss, cost or <br />operations. <br />expense Incurred by you or others for the <br />Paragraph (3), (4) and (6) do not apply to <br />loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, <br />"property damage" to "customers goods" while <br />repair, replacement, adjustment, removal <br />on your premises nor to the use of elevators. <br />or disposal of: <br />b. Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, F. Liability <br />(1) "Your product"; <br />and Medical Expenses Definitions, the <br />(2) "Yourwork";or <br />following additional definition is added: <br />(3) "Impaired property"; <br />"Customers goods" means property of your <br />customer on your premises for the purpose of <br />If such product, work or property is <br />being: <br />withdrawn or recalled from the market or <br />from use by any person or organization <br />a. Worked on; or <br />because of a known or suspected defect, <br />b. Used in your manufacturing process, <br />deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous <br />c. The Insurance afforded under this provision is <br />condition in it, but this exclusion does not <br />excess over any other valid and collectible <br />applyto "product recall expenses" that you <br />property insurance (Including deductible) <br />incur for the "covered recall" of "your <br />available to the insured whether primary, <br />product". The exception to the exclusion <br />excess, contingent or on any other basis. <br />does not apply to "product recall <br />expenses" resulting from: <br />6. Incidental Malpractice — Employed Nurses, <br />EMT's and Paramedics <br />(1) Failure of any products to accomplish <br />their intended purpose; <br />Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, C. Who Is An <br />Insured, paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) does not apply to a <br />(2) Breach of warranties of fitness, <br />nurse, emergency medical technician or <br />quality, durability or performance; <br />paramedic employed by you if you are not <br />(3) Loss of customer approval, or any <br />engaged in the business or occupation of <br />cost incurred to regain customer <br />providing medical, paramedical, surgical, dental, x- <br />approval; <br />ray or nursing services. <br />(4) Redistribution or replacement of "your <br />7. Personal and Advertising Injury — Broad Form <br />product" which has been recalled by <br />Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, F. Liability and <br />like products or substitutes; <br />Medical Expenses Definitions, definition 15, <br />(5) Caprice or whim of the insured; <br />"Personal and Advertising Injury", paragraph h. Is <br />(6) A condition likely cause loss of <br />added as follows: <br />which any insuredd knew or had <br />h. Discrimination or humiliation (unless insurance <br />reason to know at the inception of <br />thereof is prohibited by law) that results in <br />this insurance; <br />injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural <br />(7) Asbestos, including loss, damage or <br />person, but only if such discrimination or <br />clean up resulting from asbestos or <br />humiliation is: <br />asbestos containing materials; or <br />(1) Not done intentionally by or at the direction <br />(8) Recall of "your products" that have no <br />of <br />known or suspected defect solely <br />(a) The Insured; or <br />because a known or suspected <br />(b) Any officer of the corporation, director, <br />defect in another of "your products" <br />stockholder, partner or member of the <br />has been found, <br />insured; and <br />b. Under SECTION II — LIABILITY, C. Who <br />(2) Not directly or indirectly related to an <br />Is An Insured, paragraph 4.c. is added as <br />"employee", nor to the employment, <br />follows: <br />prospective employment or termination of <br />c. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />any person or persons by an insured, <br />do not apply to "product recall <br />8. Product Recall Expense <br />expense" arising out ofanywithdrawal <br />/r�?Jicwlcd <br />391-1006 06 09 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance <br />Services Office, Inc. �1 -1 " Page 3 of 5 <br />7 <br />