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FULL PACKET_2015-07-07
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FULL PACKET_2015-07-07
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7/6/2015 8:35:10 AM
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7/6/2015 8:19:24 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Warner Industrial Community Assessment District <br />July 7, 2015 <br />Page 2 <br />2. Authorize the City Manager and Clerk of the Council to execute an agreement with Fieldman, <br />Rolapp & Associates, subject to nonsubstantive changes approved by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney, to provide professional financial advisory services to facilitate assessment <br />district formation, for a period expiring on December 31, 2016, with provision for one, one -year <br />extension exercisable by written authorization of the City Manager and City Attorney, in an <br />amount not to exceed $36,000. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The recommended actions will allow staff to investigate the costs, benefits, and commitments <br />related to the formation of an Assessment District (AD). An AD legally establishes a mechanism <br />to levy and collect funds for financing improvements that provide special benefits to participating <br />properties. The AD proposed for consideration would fund reconstruction of the Warner Industrial <br />Community (WIC) roadways. Before any decisions or commitments are made by City Council, the <br />recommended actions would allow staff to prepare and present a full report to City Council which <br />fully discloses the legal procedures necessary to form an AD, establishes probable costs and City <br />commitments, and provides financing options for the construction of the improvements. <br />Ultimately, the report will provide information on which property owners can base their vote on <br />whether or not to form the AD. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 2011, Ms. Gail Fosler, a Santa Ana business owner in the WIC, approached the City regarding <br />the rehabilitation of local industrial streets (Exhibit 1). The total cost of design and construction of <br />the roadway improvements in the WIC is estimated between $5 million and $6 million. Since City <br />funding was not available for industrial street improvements, Ms. Fosler inquired about options to <br />share the cost of repairs between property owners and the City. Staff has worked with the WIC <br />property owners' representatives to identify the most appropriate and feasible option to share the <br />costs of the needed improvements. <br />The establishment of an AD as a cost - sharing opportunity would be beneficial to both the WIC <br />property owners and the City. Well- maintained roadways in the WIC will clearly and directly <br />benefit the industrial businesses and property owners in that area. Economically productive <br />businesses operating on well- served properties will benefit the City in terms of a higher local tax <br />base and employment. <br />Additionally, based on the project schedule for the City's pavement management system, funding <br />for these improvements will not be available for 10 to 15 years. By establishing this AD, the <br />roadway repair project would be accelerated and completed within 12 months. Success of this <br />public - private partnership will provide an alternative funding model for other industrial areas in the <br />City that need roadway infrastructure repairs. <br />12A -2 <br />
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