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CSG Advisors Incorporated January 28, 2015 <br />Proposal; Housing Financial Analytical and Advisory Services Page 9 of 25 <br />million City of Industry Funds administered by the County of Los Angeles and for the Long <br />Bench Housing Development Department. <br />New housing trust funds for San Francisco, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles and Sacramento. <br />Example: Phoenix Best Practices Study. CSG undertook an extensive study <br />of affordable housing best practices for the City of Phoenix. Our client, the <br />Housing Department of the City of Phoenix, is unusual in combining many <br />functions under one roof that are handled by separate agencies elsewhere. The <br />Department administered federal housing funds "'(HOME, CDBG and <br />HOPWA), general obligation bond proceeds, public housing funds, and other <br />funding sources. It, addition to public housing, it owns and operates rental <br />housing funded from City sources, makes loans and grants to developers, and <br />administers first time homebuyer programs. The Department sought the study <br />in order to help it respond to changes in both the Phoenix housing market <br />(rapidly appreciating in the past several years) and the federal public housing <br />programs. <br />CSG drew upon its experience with housing agencies across the country to <br />analyze the Departments programs and operations and recommend new <br />financing strategies for its homeownership programs, rental housing programs <br />(including public housing) and general departmental operations. Some <br />recommendations focused on how existing resources could be restructured to <br />provide a greater impact (for example, by implementing 40, year first time <br />homebuyer mortgages, using HOME funds to write down interest rates for first <br />time homebuyers, and establishing consistent affordability standards as a <br />condition of receiving public funds). Other recommendations emphasized <br />securing new resources for the Department (e.g. incorporating 4% tax credits <br />into its new affordable rental housing development, earning development fees <br />on public housing "redevelopineat, and making -efficient use "of publicly owned <br />land for affordable housing). <br />A key element of CSG's recommendations was to establish a set of objectives or <br />criteria that the City could use to judge new initiatives, and to require that <br />initiatives contribute to achieving all four of those objectives: provide long-term <br />affordability; create wellclesigned, mixed income neighborhoods; increase the <br />Department's financial and development capacity; and create ;effective <br />partnerships. Following the study we have helped implement numerous <br />b. Advisory Services for Multi- Family Bond Transactions <br />Overall Level of Experience. CSG has been the leading advisor both in California and nationally on <br />private activity multi- family housing bonds. <br />Total Private Activity Multi - Family Housing Transactions <br />