<br />Accident includes continuous or repeated exposure to conditions or which results in bodily injury, property dalliage, or
<br />environmental damage which tire insured neither expected nor intended,
<br />'Motor Vehicle m*nop^ land vehicle, machine, truck, tractor, trailer, m, semi-trailer propelled u, drawn hymechanical
<br />power and used on a highway for transporting property, or any combination thereof.
<br />Bodily lhr�ury means injury to the body, sickness, or disease to any person, including death resulting froirl any of these.
<br />arvnrr,y Damage means damage mnr loss ny use vf tangible property.
<br />Environmental Restoration means restitution for the loss, daniage, or' destruction of natural resources arising out or the
<br />accidental discharge, dispersal, release p,escape into or upon the land, atmosphere, xmterunorse,or body of water, of
<br />any commodity transported by a motor carrier. This shall include the cost of removal and the cost of necessary measures
<br />taken 'onoim/coive*rraitiam«dumugcwuommu health, the natural emvir*nmner.' fish, shellfish, and wildlife.
<br />Public Liability means liability for bodily injury, property damage,, and environfriental rtstonqtion.
<br />The insurance pol icy to wbiuh this endorsernent ig attached provides automobile I iability insurance and is amended to
<br />assure compliance u/the insured, within the limits stated herein, -is a motor carrier of property, with Sections 29 and 30
<br />u/ the Motor Carrier Act vz1oGU and the rules and regulations of the, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
<br />(PM«CSA)'
<br />In consideration "r the enrmiv stated /n the policy w which this °^dvmwniciatim attached, the insurer (tile company)
<br />agrees to pay, within (he limits of liability described herein, any litial judgillenj feroVffed against the insured for public
<br />liability resulting front negligence in the operation, maintenance or use of motor veldcles subject to the financial
<br />responsibility requirements of Sections 29 and 30 of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 regardless of whether or not each
<br />raot-or vehicle is specifically detickibed in the policy and whether or not Such negligence occurs on any route or in any
<br />territory authorized to be served by the insured or elsewhere, Such insurance as is arrorded, for public liability, does not
<br />apply to injur-y to or death of flit instired's einplOyCeS, while engaged in the course of their employnient, ar property
<br />transported by the insured, designated as cargo. It is understood and agreed that no condition, provision, stipulation, or
<br />limitation contained iodbe, policy, this omam*um*"'m,x"x"thervoamrsurritoidbmnov,m,.ida'ioomerzof,ohuT)u,&rv=
<br />the company from |inbiiitror from the payment ofany final judgment, within die limits of liability herein described,
<br />irrespective of the financial condition, insolvency or bankruptcy of tire insured. However, all Lenms. conditions, and
<br />limitations 1uthe policy to which the, endorsement is attached shall Mllaill in full force -,aid effect as binding between the
<br />insured and the company, The b)sured agrees to reimburse the company for any payinctit made by the company on
<br />account of any accident, omm^or suit involving o breach ntdbr terms nf the policy, and for any p^vmm`t �bu�U^o
<br />company would. not have been obligated tv make under the provisions oc the policy except for the agreement contained
<br />loUdnendorsement.
<br />It is further understood and agreed that, Upon faill.11-C of the company to pay any final judgmc-at recovcred against the
<br />insured as provided hercirt, the judgment creditor may maintain an action in any court of competent jLffiSdiCti011 11gairSt
<br />(lie company wn compel such payment.
<br />The limits vr the company's liability for the amounts prescribed m this onuumrm°m apply separately u`v^uumoddent
<br />and arty payment Under the policy because. ofany One accident shall not openite U.) reduce the liability of the company for
<br />the payment af final judgments
<br />resulting from any other accident,
<br />'FuE SCHEDULE osL/m ITS SHOWN On THE *£YE RSE SIDE, DOES NOT pmO�v| DE, C0vE'u&Ga. The limits
<br />shown in the schedule are for information pu/nuyemonly.
<br />mrmMcS-v (page zma
<br />