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' Starr Surplus lines Insurance Company <br />Chicago, IL 1- 646 -227 -6300 <br />Primary and Non- contributory, Additional insured and <br />Waiver of Subrogation <br />Policy Number: Effective Date: 7/1/2014 at 12:01 A.M. <br />Named Insured: Ocean Blue Environmental Services, Inc <br />This endorsement modifies the insurance coverage form(s) listed below that have been purchased by you and <br />evidenced as such on the Declarations page. Please read the endorsement and respective policy(les) carefully. <br />Commercial General Liability Coverage Form <br />Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Coverage form <br />Products /Completed Operations Liability Coverage Form <br />Contractors Pollution Liability Coverage Form <br />Professional Liability Coverage Form <br />Site Pollution Liability Coverage Form <br />SCHEDULE <br />All as required by written, signed or executed contract. <br />A. SECTION 11 -WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the <br />schedule of this endorsement, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for <br />you. <br />B. As respects additional insureds as defined above, this insurance also applies to "bodily injury' or "property <br />damage" arising out of your negligence when the following written contract requirements are applicable: <br />1. Coverage available under this coverage part shall apply as primary insurance. Any other insurance available <br />to these additional Insured's shall apply as excess and not contribute as primary to the insurance afforded by <br />this endorsement. <br />2. We waive any right of recovery we may have against these additional insured's because of payments we <br />make for injury or damage arising out of "your work" done under a written contract with the additional insured. <br />3. The term insured is used separately and not collectively, but the inclusion of more than one insured shall not <br />increase the limits or coverage provided by this insurance. <br />Insureds and Agents are advised that certificates of insurance should be used only to provide evidence of insurance <br />in lieu of an actual copy of the applicable insurance policy. Certificates should not be used to amend, expand or <br />otherwise alter the terms of the actual policy. <br />ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS REMAIN UNCHANGED. <br />Signed for STARR SURPLUS LINES INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Charles H. Dangelo,— President <br />Nehemiah E. Ginsburg, Generale; ounsel <br />SL - 023 (06/11) Page 1 of 1 <br />Copyright © C. V. Starr & Company and Starr Surplus Lines Insurance Company. All rights reserved. <br />Includes copyrighted material of 190 properties, Inc., used with Its permission. nn�yypp�ygp ,,yryr���� p� ��R <br />APPRO V ZD A� �N" <br />LISA � STCRCK _--- <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />