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REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: <br />SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 <br />TITLE: <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY: <br />APPROVED <br />❑ As Recommended <br />❑ As Amended <br />❑ Ordinance on 16' Reading <br />❑ Ordinance on 2 "d Reading <br />❑ Implementing Resolution <br />❑ Set Public Hearing I -or <br />CONTINUED TO <br />FILE NUMBER <br />Award a contract to Alhambra Foundry Company, Ltd., subject to nonsubstantive changes approved <br />by the City Manager and City Attorney, for the purchase of manhole frames and covers for a one -year <br />period expiring September 30, 2016, with provisions for three one -year renewals exercisable by the <br />City Manager, in an annual amount not to exceed $73,800, for a total contract amount not to exceed <br />$295,200. <br />r, s <br />The Public Works Water Resources Division maintains the City's sanitary sewer system consisting of <br />approximately 390 miles of pipelines and 8,500 manholes. Approximately 160 manhole covers are <br />replaced annually due to damage or wear and tear. The manhole covers are purchased through the <br />Central Stores warehouse for distribution to the Maintenance Services Division. The Central Stores <br />warehouse provides a one-stop shop for stock items which expedites services and improves <br />response time, The contract for manhole covers and frames is designed to provide quality products <br />at a significant savings based on quantity pricing. <br />The notice inviting bids was advertised on July 28, 2015 on the City's online bid management and <br />publication system. A summary of the bid invitations and bids received is as follows: <br />3 Vendors were notified <br />0 Santa Ana vendors were notified <br />3 Vendors downloaded the bid packet <br />1 Bid received <br />0 Bids received from Santa Ana vendors <br />The bid was opened on August 20, 2015 and evaluated. The bid received from Alhambra Foundry, <br />Company, Ltd. is responsive to the specifications and meets the City's requirements. <br />22B -1 <br />