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shall be the property of the City *ille$$prohibited by law, and Consultant consents mthe <br />City's use thereof for such Purposes um the City deems appropriate. <br />D. Payment need not be made for work which falls to meet the standard of performance <br />specified in the Recitals of this Agreement, <br />i$. DISCRIMINATION <br />Consultant shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, <br />sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, or disability, as defined and prohibited by applicable <br />law, in the recilultment, selection, training, utilization, promotion, termination or other employment related <br />activities. Consultant affirms that it is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply with all applicable <br />federal, state and local laws and regulations, <br />17^ JURISDICTION `VENUE <br />This Agreement has been executed and delivered In the State of California the validity, <br />interpretation, pe#nrrnanme`and enforcement o[ any of the clauses nf this Agreement �'~a||bm <br />debarminadund e0by/he|NW/s nf UhmGVainurCu||[ornim.QVth Aipo0/r|bo'^~'e that Orange <br />C�n�.(�|��a.n�|/��a��o�/�ya��������`—����^�°��ueou��M <br />oun8achDnvMtho,byre$aunofthisAo/en�\eML -~��� "m'°" ' <br />18. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES <br />Consultant shall, throughout the term n[ this Agreement, maintain all necessary esmo/ylicenses, <br />permits, approvals, waivers, and exemptions AwceuNof0r the provision of the services hereunder aA <br />d rm4uioadhythe|mwsand / gV|a0oUau, the United States, the S �u�o V�Ca||fb�nia' thoOtyo��wn�aAna andaUothorgovorn^enta|wQan u agencies. Consultant | notify the City Immediately and in writing 8f Its <br />inability ¢ obtain nr maintain such permits, licenses, approvals, waivers, and exemptions. Said inability <br />shall be cause for termination oV this Agreement, <br />19, CERTIFICATIONS <br />The funds used to pay for this Agreement will be comprised of federal grant funds and the <br />following certifications are required in compliance with federal grant funding rules. <br />8. h respect to all matters covered by this agreement all records <br />shall bemade available for audit and inspection by MWDOC, ihegr¢U[uV8n ,' <br />and/or their <br />ir 6U|yautb8hzed|epreReqtat|V03bzrapeh8dofLh[ee (n) yeur S from the termination of this <br />Agreement. For 8 period 0fthree years after final delivery <br />to this Agreement are finally settled, whichever is later, Recipient shall preserve and maintain <br />all documents, papers and records relevant to the services provided in accordance with this <br />Agreement, including the Attachmehts hereto, For the same time period, Recipient shall make <br />said documents, papers and records available to City and the agency from which City received <br />grant funds or their duly authorized representative(s), for examination, copying, or mechanical <br />reproduction on or off the premises of Recipient, upon r , equest during usual working hours, <br />b. Recipient shall provide to City all records and information requested byCdvfor <br />inclusion in quarterly rgp9�8and such other Pep0dSAr records e$ City may b8 required ` <br />to <br />provide h) the agency from which City received grant funds vrother ' persons 8ragencies. <br />C. Seotion--504 of the Rehabilitation Act --iRZLfflAQqi9� ~ All recipients nf <br />Act). <br />Therefore, the funds recipient pursuant tu the reqV�#meRls0fThe o hereby <br />