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�� \) <br />Vt4t?" .10CEED <br />tNt7Lti ` i MCEEXpIRE5 <br />CLERK c r �OUNC <br />./ <br />tN <br />oars: <br />EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT <br />SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />AND <br />SOUTHWEST MINORTTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION <br />(24 CFR Parts 91 and 576) <br />THIS GRANT AGREEMENT, is hereby made and entered into this I' day of July, 2015, by and between the <br />City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation of the State of California, herein called the "CITY" and <br />SOUTHWEST MINORITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (SMEDA), a California nonprofit <br />organization, herein called the "SUBRECIPIENT ". <br />RECITALS: <br />1. The CITY is the recipient of Emergency Solutions Grant ( "ESG ") funds from the United States <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development ( "HUD "), pursuant to subtitle B of title IV of the McKinney -Vento <br />Homeless Assistance Act [42 U.S.C. 11371 ... 11378], for the rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency <br />shelter for the homeless, for the payment of certain expenses related to operating emergency shelters, for essential services <br />related to emergency shelters and street outreach for the homeless, and for homelessness prevention and rapid re- housing <br />assistance. Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance ( "CFDA ") 14.231 and Federal Award Identification Number <br />(FAIN) E- 15 -MC -06 -0508. <br />2. The CITY has approved the provision of federal funds under the ESG to be used in the operation of an <br />emergency solutions program ( "program ") for the homeless or at -risk of homelessness of the City of Santa Ana as further <br />described by Exhibit A, Scope of Work, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. <br />3. The SUBRECIPIENT represents that it has the requisite qualifications, expertise, and experience in the <br />provision of emergency solutions programs for the homeless or at -risk of homelessness and is willing to use said federal <br />funds to operate said program. <br />4. The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to assist individuals and families that are homeless or at risk of <br />homelessness in obtaining appropriate supportive services including, but not limited to: temporary and permanent <br />housing, relocation and stabilization services, rapid re- housing assistance, medical and mental health treatment, <br />counseling supervision, and other services essential for achieving independent living, as well as other federal, state, local <br />and private assistance available for such individuals. <br />5. The SUBRECIPIENT has agreed to be reimbursed for the above services in an amount not to exceed <br />$33,750 in grant funding. <br />6. This AGREEMENT is contingent upon the award of Emergency Solutions Grant fiords from the United <br />States Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />7. The CITY and the SUBRECIPIENT have duly executed this AGREEMENT for the expenditure and <br />utilization of said fiords. <br />NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties that the foregoing Recitals are a substantive part of <br />this AGREEMENT and the following terms and conditions are approved and together with all exhibits and attachments <br />hereto, shall constitute the entire AGREEMENT between the CITY and the SIJ13RECIPIENT: <br />