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1. <br />STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br />d. Understanding of Need <br />of major structural elements, retrofit repairs to fatigue prone details of steel girders, spot painting of structural <br />steel elements, rehabilitation/new installation of deck drainage elements, replacement and upgrade of <br />deteriorated bridge railing, embankment erosion control and the repair of existing scour countermeasures <br />related to protecting the structural integrity of the bridge and install new approach slab or rehabilitation/ <br />replacement of the existing one, alkali -silica -reactive aggregate mitigation, corrosion management systems, <br />and fracture critical element replacement/rehabilitation. <br />Task #4: Pronose Repair Work <br />TTG will provide recommendations for the type of maintenance counter measures and minor repairs of <br />the existing bridge as per BPMP guidelines to extend the life of the bridge and eliminate deficiencies per <br />current and acceptable Caltrans standards. We will prepare draft spreadsheet of summary of the conditions <br />and proposed repairs/maintenance work for sharing with the City to seek input before proceeding with <br />estimates. <br />When the extent of damages and deficiency are found to be severe, we will make recommendations <br />regarding detailed analysis of a bridge using load rating and seismic analysis, updating and re-evaluation <br />of SR, and preliminary recommending major rehabilitation/ replacement/ widening of a bridge using HBP <br />funding. In case of severe structural damage or instability, we will advise the City of the issue and provide <br />recommendations for temporary shoring and weight -limit posting, if necessary. <br />Task #5: Preliminary Engineer's Estimate <br />Upon confirmation of our propose solution for necessary repair/maintenance with the City, we proceed with <br />performing detailed cost estimate. Our quantity estimates will be consistent with our propose solutions <br />meet current standards and objectives of BPMP. The quantity estimates will include construction cost <br />associated with bridge expansion joint or hinge repairs, deck rehabilitation and overlays, railing repairs, <br />potential shoring of bridge during construction, traffic control, hazardous waste containment and disposal, <br />and re -striping of the existing lanes after deck treatments. <br />Task #6: Draft BPMP Report <br />TTG will prepare a draft BPMP report to include: <br />• Summary of field inspections with photos and sketches <br />• Proposed maintenance/repairs <br />• Proposed bridge candidates HBP funding with major retrofit/widening/replacement needs with revisions/ <br />corrections of Sufficiency Rating "SR" using our special program for re -calculation of rating which is <br />conforming to ASSHTO-NBI rating system. <br />• Spreadsheet showing detailed calculations of quantities and estimates for each bridge including a score of <br />each bridge. TTG's equation used for calculation of priority ranking score developed based on important <br />factors such as bridge age, ADT, SR, SD/FO, quantity of damages and cost to repair. <br />• Attachments including field forms, notes, sketches, original inspection reports as part of stand-alone <br />documents <br />• BPMP Sheet (Standard BPMP Sheet) which will be submitted to Caltrans and will include bridge priority <br />ranking for maintenance and funding, county geographic location, name of implementing agency, bridge <br />number, facility carried, feature intersected, location, sufficiency rating, SD/FO status, all Preventive <br />.o. City of Santa Ana <br />iii TTG Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program - RFP iV15-047 11 <br />