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hourly rates of $195 and $135, respectively. Said rates are fully burdened, <br />I.e. Inclusive of overhead costs, general, administrative, and profit. As stated, <br />Lidgard and Associates, Inc. is a fully staffed appraisal firm, and does not <br />engage in the subcontracting of outside appraisal companies. <br />The foregoing summary represents a general illustration of typical appraisal <br />fees based on 'the various categories of properties and scope of services. <br />The appraisal fee for a specific appraisal assignment will be negotiated prlor <br />to commencement thereof. <br />Court appearance fees and/or deposition appearance fees will be based <br />upon an additional $375 per hour with a $1,500 per half day minimum in the <br />forenoon or afternoon, Pretrial and pre deposition conferences, if any, will be <br />based upon an additional $375 per hour. The hourly rate will be applied for <br />file review, travel time, and additional investigation deemed necessary by <br />legal counsel as part of litigation. <br />LIDCARD AND ASSOCIATE s <br />APPRAI9 ERS.CON 9VLTA'N'T3 <br />