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<br />`—I
<br />MLE 00,87
<br />�virvas tha ribht at any time to post and maintrrlln on the QcTA Pr0perty such
<br />nxlrtacrilo a May be necessary to protect OCTA against liability flor All such lions and claims,
<br />The pFWSions of this Section shall survive the teralination of this Agreement.
<br />Ir,ih"rs �t nd.l enaair, Licenoeo; at Licenscq'a sola expense, shall maintain the
<br />,I krR;H,;u f0rdperty and the Facilfty in a cxrnditiaan a,stlsfactory to OCTA during the Term of this
<br />Agr€aarmant and shall perform all mmIntenan0m and Clean-up of the License Property end the
<br />Farcillly as necazsary to keep the License Property and the Facility In good order and
<br />condition, to 00TH "Nslaotion and in scGordance with applicable city codes, Licensee
<br />s,' all iia responsible for any citations Issued 17y+ any agency having jurisdiction as a result of
<br />1.i'cai^.strata's failure to ocmraly with 10021 anodes. If any portion of the- OCTA Property, Including
<br />i6'nprov,,sments or Ixtures, suffers damage by r6850n of tine occas to or use of the Llcohse
<br />ma'rop , by Licensee, Licensees Parties or by Licensee's partners, officers or directors,
<br />including bUt loot Ilftaited to damage arsln� from any test or investigations conducted upon
<br />the License Property, Lic°rnsee shall, at Its own cost and expense, Immediateiy repair all
<br />cJsrrnaga and restore the OCTA Property,to as good a condition as before suoh cause
<br />cd" zl~JiTi�,06 occurred. Repair of darnage shall Include, without Ornitration, regrading and
<br />wc�ira;s„';gang of any holes, d1t6hes, .indentations, mounds or other Inclines created by an
<br />,%)A:„ ,avmion by LicAnsee car Licensee's Parties,
<br />;? yio'lu , n-Ventive Ew-ging, If required by OCTA, Limns , at its sola
<br />Cost
<br />shall in'btall barrier fencing and/or landscaping to shlold the railroad trade arpa
<br />V,0;11 giubrlb ac~ as and/or - the Facility from public view• OCTA shall have the right to review
<br />ra,d 2ii9l,irrovea fencing rand/or Iendspeping plates pricrr to installation. All 'Fencing endizar
<br />v/cart; shall be, done'Wn 'accordance with the provisions of aerticns 4_ and 5
<br />will be,uOjazt tzr tha rmintenanMe and repair provisions of rglatiors above,
<br />10. Use. The License Property srad the Facility shall be used only far Ilia purposes
<br />specifiad in ,item 2 rif, the Basic License ProvisIono and for such lawful purposes as may be
<br />adirocily Pio change shall,be rnade by I_icertgee Ill the use of the Ucense
<br />1::°C:fbltl."t,w, 'the Facility or the commodity or product being conveyed through tha Facility (if
<br />�,;;' PbFrt 00T Rs priorwrtt`•ten approval.
<br />I1. t7tl�s' r'd it, v"Iaraa.iBd p i none, eat anylirne abandon the use of tl'a�a f aWily or the
<br />Lila;a'a I�rrpaar°S, br,any Ix� Ila rf, or fail at any time fdr a 0onkinuolas t)Ctod of ninety
<br />r.r,,a•If,��, Ira, �,a;Qe the aana0 4zir the prarpcasas cgnCamialated herein, then oris Agreement shall
<br />as'sl.a,xn�� r�o t�h�e exttnt of the portionso ab2ndcraed or djacs�rinued, and in addition to any
<br />o"char rlgtht cr nn'redims, �7TA sMalf immediately tae antltled to axctuaivo possession and
<br />7>°�:aa;.,�' ti' i�� c�Y tWro po¢tlon ao aaband0laed r,r dlsr antinuad, without the encumbra'nCO of this
<br />"'^:a —s "t CHGTA,.at 1js 0ptlnn, may renlcr�'a slay improverrents remaining on the
<br />W'a1:o aeKty, act L1cansee's OxpensO.
<br />P@ge 7 of 16
<br />