03'/07/2007 12;40 71z4M809d SAPD FISCAL PACE 09113
<br />FILM 00-87
<br />'•,. ; 7(WMIl, p 'Llc8nnSa;.9 °ftp° I asp�rt e, X17 ii'ob't+�in and maintain in full
<br />r::dl ld ertrx v during the Term of tptds AYl`8G1'nent instlrsnca as required Uy OCTA n'srhdng
<br />OCTA as additlonal Insured In the am��arnt `and coverages specified and issued by
<br />rr fMr+h orarvtparl'raS 08 described on.E hifTV, OCTA reserves the right, throughout the
<br />9'trrrr, ;a+9'this Ag�wec�rnent, to r�mvlew smnd Ch�angr_'lBt6'.Amount and type of insurance COVOM90
<br />rFaoui,!rssa in ria maotion %vfth, this A,gm.*Mant ayr.ill Work to be performed on the Umbse
<br />Prior to (a) aar�teiing''tMe I.ItanBP Prragarkrty Or (b) •'pearPonming any Work or
<br />rmnsfnttal'raitasa uan th"a I"lC(DMa€a F'rapes�%y, iw,la^ansee Shall fUnilsh �D0TA with Insurance
<br />endoraonwintai 01" s rtiidc�ltes, evidanift thou qacijtsmnnea amounts and cavSrMOd of'the
<br />Irmunlince raciu,rin'rt.i in hbo rrointained hemaindor. pyre "lost Instslnnes, CI0TA does not allow
<br />°, ","M rr".rn°°+T a, however, if Licensee can demonstrate assets and retenVon funds meeting
<br />CWa.m 'a 'r�• aaill4rmltuurt;lnre requirements, 00TA may permit Licensee to Sapt-insure, provided,
<br />however'that third rip to. to selMflsurGi Wth raspeot tea tory t +vel tg risgGlred to be maintained
<br />hereunder ilig,,y late pti ntad or revoked by'Ot;TA at Ito aerie and abSoluta discretion, 'OCTA
<br />'la, be 4R'ble for the palynient of -soy premilurns or for insurance required
<br />h.,. dl uic>ed by p. mmsse underthiS8 urec,rttA rrt
<br />>;srs'au. "mrLd 9ryr et k rr, 00"l"A shall l°lsnaaas the rlght st any. tune to Inspect the License
<br />and that Fair+!Qy rao as to M(Inftor 06:111pliall With @his Agreement, OCTA shall be
<br />P ' 1: ,) 1`"i +,xarAfijOt Rwhy tsrsmts gar e asrasSunerht' , including but not 11mdted't'o environmental
<br />Msl,Wherltt, of, d n or cibosst the Ljcanar. P'rupprly; as it, dotennines to be necessary in Ra
<br />aaic, ;j rmlg�rr3trr'at or awfUl to eav61trate the Condition of the License Propatty. Licensee shall
<br />v.` i u ICTA and its agonts in any tsaatas or insp( cdlons daaarned necessary by
<br />Gc u'irh, L.i x,.m,,iiee ,alnmi pay or m .1mbursei OCTA and appropriate 1'aguletmy agencles,, as
<br />epraro» )ri,q'b% lcir aO nxii 1rainebla cowpi a mnd'Or.it»!ru es IncOrred dace to the tests, Inspections Qr
<br />I„'?F';1 ::'i'hY:ir4p it dl"fir canecl;rNe )1 43k rVIO Insraeot ona ".�mr'oafter,
<br />t"}•:,L�ni�:.11''°2P1�a;;D1,ll�VI�',l,�Y�8dQ;{!?�i,IY�.Glu'IE,�n,ui'^„ad�fV"d1-I,�.;,iC.�G?rl�r$6%, LlMlsao sirr"a'II'C7t:Jrto and rYic"Ik9ty"lll'4
<br />the Line, ,Ab I5r'ci;iRly in �,ornpliancx=; WWI all; 8nd $hall rant aan'US6 or permit the Ljoe'jse
<br />Pr°bporty tci tial: In +4olsa*)n oft say tadSraR; data tae° dcaral onvironrnental, health andlor safety-
<br />i"(;"irrllo''"coag, si(ions, atarldgrds°, dooGBAV"at bf NI'IV MUM, pern'ui':9 or, permit Conditions,
<br />Curri rU't y caeiStira t , r ace,; garde=slyded Or adop'i:e1 lr1'�tl�le 'fdatura . vwhlch rw car kaeta'rme applicable to
<br />iJ r wear Or Vie Lla nrnn ra Ya46p arN' (°°E„mv1L0Y2t's t@im °'). 6..atcapt for Hoizanlous Materislrs
<br />e;Mlaem;lr :rely rsip arias iz rl l'ay 00'lwA 'irn, arlliul std Siir:W ore Qcfalt'iq, k "G aU00hed hereto and
<br />irruaar;vorated ,tlmm(,rn by raftaren�A, Licensea ahall not nsuse or permit, Or allow eny'of
<br />tr1 s lsq l ata car pxal'itlit, ru°ly I"4MlrClt,,aU iVIsterials to be brought upon, stored,
<br />tra8ri A or dlspjl?)surd of on iDr About trle OCTA Property. Any such
<br />IALI rcarlsls ran orabout tfhp OCTA PMperty shall be sorted, usod,
<br />i M rdispo'elap of in aCc,,orrltaua e with Pill mappllrstllle Environmental Ulws. As used
<br />in” rnaPsns any chYt,1'rlivol, subsit4noe, cr matedal WNCh is now or
<br />�f rr 'rFr'"r l'r tY'IV214.r:r,or'? iistalvd, defired sar 1's gi,aitu'aed In any manner' by any Environmental Lew
<br />yrncpin,^r i'�°�v, �fir°ecty roc inciiractly, its r.graroper'tlop or oft(Ma.
<br />Pave o 10 of 1:i
<br />