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Implementation Time Schedule <br />Since GPC is currently performing the services requested in the RFP and has an office located <br />within the City, GPC possesses all staff, equipment, software, and materials to immediately start <br />services requested within the RFP and successfully complete the project in a timely manner. <br />Disqualification and Litigation <br />GPC has never been disqualified from any project and has never been involved in litigation <br />regarding the performance of a contract. <br />Handling Complaints <br />GPC field and project manager are available to City staff 365 days a year to handle issues and <br />complaints. Upon receiving a complaint, GPC management inunediately gathers information on <br />the complaint and verifies the facts surrounding the issue. GPC will then take corrective action to <br />satisfy all parties involved to the fullest extent possible. GPC has resources at all levels to insure <br />that a complaint is turned into a compliment by the speed and thoroughness that complaints are <br />addressed. <br />GPC will then take corrective action, if necessary, to insure that the issues surrounding a received <br />complaint do not repeat. GPC is best in class in its industry and puts tremendous efforts into <br />insuring the highest quality customer service and workmanship. This has been proven to the City <br />over the past decade. <br />Financial Responsibility (Capacity) <br />GPC has included in a sealed envelope the company's most recent financial statement that covers <br />the first 6 months of 2015. GPC has a $250,000 line of credit. GPC currently has all the trucks, <br />equipment, software, location, and staff to perform this contract. No new purchases are required. <br />A photo of local office with trucks is on the following page. <br />25H -100 <br />