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Addendum <br />GPC has received Addendum #1 and Addendum #2. <br />Creative Approach <br />GPC is constantly looking for ways to improve its service model. Examples of creative approaches <br />are many, but will highlight two. <br />Prior to GPC, the City painted the signal poles with a base flat grey paint. This meant that every <br />time there was a simple tag with marker on a pole it had to primed and repainted. GPC decided, <br />upon approval from the City, that it would be better to paint the poles in a higher quality low gloss <br />finish that would allow GPC staff to remove the usual small marker tags with its graffiti remover <br />rather than layering on more coats of paint. This created a large initial labor and material cost for <br />GPC, however it has allowed for faster removal of graffiti on poles as GPC staff can simply wipe <br />off the tags versus priming and painting. The appearance results were also much more favorable <br />than the original removal methods. <br />A second example is the smartphone app. Due the size of the City it is impossible to check every <br />street and alley in the City daily with just 5 trucks. With GPO's smartphone app provided to the <br />City residents for free, residents can quickly take photos using the phone's GPS and transmit those <br />requests directly to GPC staff in the field in real -time. Residents like the ease of use and feedback <br />they receive by getting before and after photos in real -time as their request is closed. There are <br />now close to 4,000 downloads of the app and all those residents greatly enhance CPC's graffiti <br />surveillance activities. <br />These are just two examples of GPO's mindset to always improve the City and the graffiti <br />program. GPC always invests in the latest equipment, materials, and technology to increase quality <br />and production and is why GPC staff dominate its completion in quality and output. <br />Conclusion <br />GPC has always provided the highest quality services at fair prices. GPC had achieved its goal <br />making City of Santa Ana one of the best graffiti programs in the country. The program had no <br />shortcomings or deficiencies and had consistently maintained the highest possible standards, <br />exceeding and creating very high expectations. <br />There is no better indicator of fixture success than past performance. <br />25H -102 <br />